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I knew this was going to happen, but it is still funny

[Oct 27,2006 1:09pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]


[Oct 27,2006 1:10pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
I tried to add the news article tag, but it will not show up.
[Oct 27,2006 1:15pm - pam ""]
That was awesome.

"It's kinda soon...I mean...he JUST died"
[Oct 27,2006 1:17pm - SteveOTB ""]
It was kind of wrong to do it that soon regardless. It was funny that Satan said "hey umm the Steve Irwin costume is a little too soon" and then Irwin said "but Satan it's me Steve Irwin" then he got kick out. I laughed my ass off but I'm sure the families were furious.
[Oct 27,2006 1:19pm - pam ""]
So I guess you wouldn't appreciate my dead amish schoolgirl costume then, eh?
[Oct 27,2006 1:22pm - Yeti ""]
yes it was rough, but people need to lighten up.
[Oct 27,2006 1:22pm - Dissector ""]
pam said:So I guess you wouldn't appreciate my dead amish schoolgirl costume then, eh?

[Oct 27,2006 1:25pm - SteveOTB ""]
pam said:So I guess you wouldn't appreciate my dead amish schoolgirl costume then, eh?

I'd laugh but yeah too soon for that even with how ridiculous the amish are.
[Oct 27,2006 1:26pm - Dissector ""]
No such thing as too soon.
[Oct 27,2006 1:26pm - pam ""]
Everything is fair game when you're a terrible person.
[Oct 27,2006 1:29pm - Dissector ""]
pam said:Everything is fair game when you're a terrible person.

That's the way I see it. Good thing I'm a terrible person.
[Oct 27,2006 1:30pm - pam ""]
Dissector said:pam said:Everything is fair game when you're a terrible person.

That's the way I see it. Good thing I'm a terrible person.

Cheers to that. :duffbeer:
[Oct 27,2006 1:40pm - dwellingsickness ""]
I wanna see pics of said costume
[Oct 27,2006 1:46pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
HAHA!! I was in the can taking a dizz and thought the exact same thing about me, "I am a terrible person". Then I just laughed more and wiped my ass.
[Oct 27,2006 1:48pm - pam ""]
I'll get pictures. I gotta go shopping for stuff tonight, hopefully I can find what I need. Otherwise I'll be a very drunk wonderwoman.
[Oct 27,2006 2:03pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I thought they were actually complimenting him that Satan would throw him out b/c he belongs in heaven. He's Steve Irwin. Aww.
[Oct 27,2006 3:19pm - retzam ""]
Hmmm, it does seem like too soon. It wasn't really malicious or slanderous or anything, but still seems like bad taste.

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