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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to thegreatspaldino.
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[QUOTE="thegreatspaldino:519980"]not that i have seen. when you're in certain biometal modes, the bottom screen will show different stuff. H type shows the pseudoroid weak points and how much life an enemy has. L type shows hidden walls and where items are on the map. The only one thats useful is the H type (again, as i said, its the most useful biometal) if you want to know where the weak points are so you can get all level 4 victories. if you havent looked it up online yet; level 4 victories mean you didnt hit the weak point once. it doesnt damage the biometal so its at full stock when you get it (although i really dont see the problem with getting it repaired by fleuve at the command center, since using energy crystals on the minigames at the arcade in sector c is kind of gay). so after reading that... you're probably thinking "whats the point of getting level 4 victories?" well... other than not having to repair the biometal, you get a "plushie" of the every pseudoroid you beat with a level 4 victory in prairie's room. haha. speaking of prairies room... there is this witch looking doll hanging up in there.... hit it A LOT with a jump attack with the ZX biometal or the F type one (stand under the witch, hold up and mash both attack buttons). a W Tank will appear in your inventory. (along with the message confirming that you got it). the W Tank isnt like the subtank for your biometals, i believe its a one time use item that fully restores every stock of ALL of your biometals. so use it wisely...[/QUOTE]
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