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Victory Signs Cleveland's Driver Side Impact

[Nov 8,2006 2:49pm - the_reverend ""]
Victory Signs Cleveland's Driver Side Impact

Victory Records has announced the signing of Cleveland's Driver Side

"I am thrilled and extremely excited that Driver Side Impact finally
decided to join the Victory family. We have seen the band develop over
several months which makes their signing even more rewarding," said
Victory owner Tony Brummel. "DSI has a unique stage presence that is
representative of their danceable, ambient and infectiously harmonic
songs. When I listen to their music I feel something fresh and vibrant
happening. I think of it as 'kinetically radiant rock'. So many artists
right now are desperately posturing to the mainstream to achieve short
term success. DSI is doing something different and uncompromising. I
believe that people will naturally gravitate to and embrace the music
they are creating."

All six members of the band are from Northeast Ohio and consider
Cleveland their hometown. Jack and Teddy started jamming one day and
through word of mouth in the local music scene the band came together.
According to singer Branden Langhals, "Anyone can understand and relate
to our music. We have a left of center sound that we feel touches a lot
of different people. We want people to be able to relate not only to our
music but also the lyrics. Some people have called us experimental pop.
I feel our songs are like a movie and anyone can be a part of the

Of music in general Brummel says, "We are always trying to find artists
that are doing something that is artistically different and ahead of the
pack. Historically, new music and important artists have always come
from risk taking. Independent labels like Victory can take risks. Risky
music is exciting and creates change." Branden chimes in with, "Victory
has the best track record for promoting their acts and Tony and the
staff have a vision that nobody else has in the music industry. They are
mavericks, like us."

Victory will release Driver Side Impact's debut album in early 2007.

DRIVER SIDE IMPACT are: Branden Langhals - Vocals, Jack McGinty -
Guitar, Austin Bishop - Keys and Backing Vocals, Michael Arnold - Guitar
and Backing Vocals, Teddy Feighan - Bass, Zach Evans - Drummer.

[Nov 8,2006 2:51pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
There's really a band called Driver Side Impact? I bet their breath smells like cum.
[Nov 8,2006 2:53pm - the_reverend ""]
if it does, then we know they been kissing you.
[Nov 8,2006 2:56pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
[Nov 8,2006 3:07pm - xmikex ""]
Does anybody here share my sentiment that a band called Driver Side Impact should have been playing shows with Drop 360, Twytch, and J Base at a sports bar on rt. 1 somewhere?

Instead I looked at their myspace page and they look like an Atreyu clone. Another stellar sign by a stellar record label.

*thumbs down*
[Nov 8,2006 3:12pm - largefreakatzero ""]
"According to singer Branden Langhals, "Anyone can understand and relate
to our music. We have a left of center sound that we feel touches a lot
of different people. We want people to be able to relate not only to our
music but also the lyrics. Some people have called us experimental pop.
I feel our songs are like a movie and anyone can be a part of the
script." "

Why doesn't he just come right out and admit he blows dudes?

[Nov 8,2006 3:34pm - xanonymousx ""]
ohio wasn't hawthorne heights from ohio
[Nov 8,2006 3:38pm - xanonymousx ""]
xmikex said:Does anybody here share my sentiment that a band called Driver Side Impact should have been playing shows with Drop 360, Twytch, and J Base at a sports bar on rt. 1 somewhere?

Instead I looked at their myspace page and they look like an Atreyu clone. Another stellar sign by a stellar record label.

*thumbs down*

it seems that most of the bands signed today are not unique but meer clones of whats popular at the time i believe that just about everyband that posts here deseves a label if they are not already signed
[Nov 8,2006 4:41pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Pretty bois with emo doo's and hands in the pockets of their tightpants. Way to go Victory. I guess you forgot about the hardcore part.
[Nov 8,2006 5:05pm - xanonymousx ""]
whatever happened to the days with blood for blood?
[Nov 10,2006 11:14am - el sphincto  ""]
Fuck victory, they lost their ways. Remember when they had b4b, h8breed, madball integrity, skarhead, thats when they were good
[Nov 10,2006 12:45pm - Lamp ""]
Going by the bands you just rattled off, sounds to me like Victory was never good.
[Nov 10,2006 6:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Lamp said:Going by the bands you just rattled off, sounds to me like Victory was never good.

*ding ding ding ding*

[Nov 10,2006 6:33pm - brendannli  ""]
deadguy, strife, snapcase, shutdown?
[Nov 10,2006 6:37pm - tbone_r ""]
the_reverend said:if it does, then we know they been kissing you.

count it.
[Nov 10,2006 6:46pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Deadguy and Snapcase were great.
[Nov 11,2006 2:00pm - anonymous  ""]
You are pretty retarded if you consider any of those bands HARDCORE.

hardcore is black flag and minor threat. this new metal core shit and that mid 90s tough guy shit is retarded and its what you would expect guys with soul patches, drinking pbr at the local tavern would listen to. like hoobastank. you are all dumb. try listening to flux of pink indians or city of catapillar or saetia or kodan armada. stupid people are not allowed to critique music. and dont bother saying (so why are you talking) ........................nigger
[Nov 12,2006 2:43am - brendannli  ""]
city of catepillar, saetia, kodan armada, wouldn't they be safely classified as screamo, or something other than "hardcore"?

or am i a retard?
[Nov 12,2006 9:54am - tbone_r ""]
anonymous said:You are pretty retarded if you consider any of those bands HARDCORE.

hardcore is black flag and minor threat. this new metal core shit and that mid 90s tough guy shit is retarded and its what you would expect guys with soul patches, drinking pbr at the local tavern would listen to. like hoobastank. you are all dumb. try listening to flux of pink indians or city of catapillar or saetia or kodan armada. stupid people are not allowed to critique music. and dont bother saying (so why are you talking) ........................nigger

when i think hardcore i think kodan armada and saetia. good point.

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