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[Nov 12,2006 12:57am - Ryan_M ""]
Just got home from seeing this. It was funny, had its moments but not as great as everyone makes it out to be. Way overhyped. But hey, what else is new? His face was all over MySpace for a month before the movie was out, that should have told me something.
[Nov 12,2006 1:00am - Yag-smemash  ""]
it was hyped correctly. "then where is to the place where i put my shit?"
[Nov 12,2006 1:00am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I thought it was fucking hilarious, and I am not a big Borat guy.

The antique story left me in stitches.
[Nov 12,2006 2:25am - anonymous  ""]
dont forget the bear head in the fridge ;)
[Nov 12,2006 3:25am - yummy ""]
I saw him on Leno and thought it was amazing the shit he was getting away with. He had Leno stick out his finger and he told him how his sister was tight and proceeded to grasp Lenos' finger to show how tight she is. I'm not a fanatic but that's just good TV.
[Nov 12,2006 8:16am - anonymousteinberg  ""]
Genius Jewish comedian Sascha Baron Cohen shows you how its done. And since we are the masters of media, you saw it enough places that you went to the movie like a zombie...
[Nov 12,2006 8:32am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Oh my God, you're right! THE JEWS TRICKED ME! Shut up.

Seriously though, I didn't listen to any of the hype and all the bullshit trendy crap. I went to see it because I was a fan of Da Ali G show. I thought the movie was funny.
[Nov 12,2006 9:49am - anonymousteinberg  ""]
The correct way to control goyim is to make them think it is THEIR CHOICE... but welcome to the club. You aren't Palestinian, are you?
[Nov 12,2006 10:17pm - J.  ""]
our plutonium is the best!
[Nov 12,2006 11:01pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
It was good, I was hoping that it would have been better.
[Nov 12,2006 11:13pm - J.  ""]
when the dvd comes out, im sure there will be plenty of hidden treasures
[Nov 12,2006 11:49pm - brad weymouth  ""]
my face hurts from laughing. not just from the movie, but from Nick Kevorkian snoring for 20 minutes during the middle!
[Mar 1,2007 1:12pm - the_reverend ""]
I just finished watching. how the hell did he get away with the pamela anderson thing? seriously.
[Mar 1,2007 1:21pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
She was pretty much the only person "in" on it. And it's rumored that her participation in the movie was the catalyst for her break up with Kid Rock.
[Mar 1,2007 1:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
yet to see this flick.

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