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Female Singer in search of Traditional Metal Musicians!!!

[Nov 16,2006 12:10pm - MetalQueen ""]
[COLOR=dark red]your text here[/COLOR]
Female singer in search of traditional metal musicians for traditional metal band!!! I'm seeking 2 guitarists and bassist!!! In the vein of Warlock...Priest...Maiden...and the like!!! If interested please either PM me here or via my My Space page...thanks!!!
[Nov 16,2006 12:27pm - dreadkill ""]
do you have any samples of your singing? people would probably want to hear something.
[Nov 16,2006 12:28pm - Sinislazy  ""]
3 Headed Monster?
[Nov 16,2006 12:32pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
if you are looking for only guitarists and a bassists...does that mean you have a drummer already?
[Nov 16,2006 1:54pm - xmikex ""]
I don't remember voting in a Queen of metal.

wah wahhh
[Nov 16,2006 2:06pm - dreadkill ""]
she didn't have to be voted in. the crown is hers by birthright.
[Nov 16,2006 3:50pm - anonymous  ""]
She's probably dating a drummer.
[Nov 17,2006 12:25am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
My band, that dreams dead under the waves like old dread Cthulhu, would love for a good female singer, but were are definatly not traditional metal, more of like power meets symphonic meets folk meets black meets ninja
[Nov 17,2006 6:49am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
She had me until I saw Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, and Leaves Eyes in her influences.
[Nov 17,2006 7:55am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
[Nov 17,2006 2:25pm - dreadkill ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:My band, that dreams dead under the waves like old dread Cthulhu, would love for a good female singer, but were are definatly not traditional metal, more of like power meets symphonic meets folk meets black meets ninja

what's your band's name?
[Nov 17,2006 5:56pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
we're not named yet, infact we are on hiatus until we can get enough people to pay for jam space. Our tenative name is "Undine" like from secret of mana. Right now it is just a drummer and myself, til our guitarist moves back in spring, we have another guitarist lined up, an old friend of ours....

pretty much not a band anymore, but we haven't given up, we just need to get some money to practice at a place in manchester, because like I said, the only members are myself and a drummer, and we can't afford the rent.

maybe when I graduate college.
[Nov 17,2006 6:08pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Do you really want to name your band after a water fairy? Secret of Mana is not the first place that name came from.

Think about it.
[Nov 24,2006 8:44pm - MetalQueen ""]
Yes I do have a drummer!!!
[Nov 24,2006 8:45pm - MetalQueen ""]
No...I do not have any samples of my singing...this will be my first band!!!
[Nov 24,2006 10:41pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 16,2006 1:54pm - xmikex]
I don't remember voting in a Queen of metal.

you don't vote for queens. God decides that for you.

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