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Wreckoning news and show dates!

[Dec 4,2006 1:01pm - Philielockfoot ""]
So let's see what the band has in the form of news shall we ??!!
I said SHALL WE !!!

Well , let's start with this weekend shall we ?
Friday evening , Quincy Ma. "Wreckoning" will be at DeeDee's lounge with our brothers from "12 Step program".
And Saturday evening we will be at Ralph's dinner in Worcester with our good friends from "Face Full Of Shotgun" aswell as others whom escape me at this moment, and let's not forgett December 30th at The Linwood bar and grill in Boston with "Oneless", " Hostile Takeover" and others.
Naturally all show's are 21+ and I bealive $6.00 and doors open at 8 p.m. .
For ride info or show details please feel free to contact the band.

In other news the band would like like to make welcome it's newest member Bruce D. Van. Our new loyal conversion van because we all know you like to see us ride in style.
The band is commencing recording on our first and very overdue full length c.d. which has yet to be titled . We will be begining recording at "The Lab" studio's in Worcester starting December 11th. The C.D. will be engineered, mixed and produced by Jay Kelley Jeff Stoney and Eric Simpson with a speculative release date of February/March.
The c.d. will feature 3-4 new songs never before heard aswell as many songs familiar to the bands fans.

Also , we have advanced tickets available for January 12th where Wreckoning will be performing at Fat cat's in Springfield Ma. for the Emergenza festival.
Tix are $10.00 and available through the myspace account or at shows.
We could really use your help on this one as judging is based on fans show of hands. So we would be greatly appreciative of any and all participation.

Well, for December thats all we have at the moment.
We will keep in touch about anymore upcomming events and the progress of the c.d. .
Thanks so much to everyone
May your holliday season be filled with drunken rowdiness, domestic disputes and drug induced alcoholic binges.
From all of us
Sullivan, Jay, Imer, Russ and Eric
To all of you
Get your asses out and show some love!!!!
[Dec 4,2006 1:03pm - the_reverend ""]
weird that you wrote in the title that it was news.. but didn't mark it as a news thread...
[Dec 4,2006 1:05pm - Philielockfoot ""]
I dont know , the posting on this board fucks me up.

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