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who wants to play with us on the 14th at the bombshelter?

[Nov 6,2003 5:36pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Nov 6,2003 5:41pm - George not logged in  ""]
Aganihm will do it!!! what's your im name?
[Nov 6,2003 6:13pm - dyingmuse ""]
yahoo- shroud_of_bereavement
aol willowsoul666
[Nov 6,2003 6:22pm - George ""]
my computer is fucked. i'll email you instead
[Nov 6,2003 7:52pm - A_Cold_Reality ""]
:NEWHORNS: keep us in mind
[Nov 6,2003 8:01pm - haha  ""]
try nobody faggot
[Nov 7,2003 1:20am - phantos ""]
we might be interested. depending on work schedules.
drop me a line if ya need a band. cheers.
[Nov 7,2003 4:19am - dyingmuse ""]
all three bands would work. life of zero broke up so the guy at the bombshelter just asked me to get bands.
[Nov 7,2003 4:19am - dyingmuse ""]
haha said:try nobody faggot
ohh and go fuck yourself cunt face!

[Nov 7,2003 5:29am - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
Cryptic Warning would love to play.



email: anthony_buda@yahoo.com
[Nov 7,2003 5:46pm - dyingmuse ""]
ok everyone interested in this show please call me at 978 476 9161

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