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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to ConquerTheBaphomet.
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[QUOTE="ConquerTheBaphomet:546312"]y_ddraig_goch said:[QUOTE]ConquerTheBaphomet said:[QUOTE]Ryan_M said:[QUOTE]ConquerTheBaphomet said:[QUOTE]Why does the "desecration of Christ" have to be played out in every song by every "evil" band?[/QUOTE] Because the desecration of Christ is an entertaining topic, and it explicitly lets the listener know that the singer is vehemently opposed to the corrupted disease that is Christianity.:satancross:[/QUOTE] Well, in my opinion, I think it's a little immature. Bands like Deicide, Belphagor, and Dimmu Borgir have been doing it for years. The topic gets old and boring quick. Most of the things said aren't even offensive anymore just because they've been said for so many years. Norweigan black metal is a frontal assault on Christianity because of the 1000 years "oppression" they've had since the days of the Vikings. It's almost what they live for; making fun of Christians and wishing death upon them. But seriously, I am a Christian and have I ever "oppressed" you? NO. So, my point is grow up and actually write something intellectually sound and something of meaning to this useless society. [/QUOTE] Fuck Christains and Jews, you oppress me by insulting heathen bands and telling them they can't artisticlly express their distrust towards christianity. Saying, im christian but I don't oppress you is like saying, hey I'm a neonazi but I'm not against jews!!! If you are christian, you have to believe in one god, and you have to attempt to "save" as many "lost" souls as you can. It's part of the damn Bible to "save" fellow brethern from the clutches of Satan. Being Christian and embracing nonchristians is like being a jew and saying that gentiles will have a place in Zion I got an Idea, let's all join certain ideologies and then only follow them half ass. I think I'll become an IRA member but I will support the dependancy of the North on England. If your going to do something, finish it, and follow it completly. I have nothing against you, but if you are going to call yourself a christian, you need to be one and either cease comingling with heathens, or try to "save" us. Nothing against you personally, I am just getting fed up with people not being what they say, I am a follower of the Old ones (no not cthulu) and I try to follow everything there is left in memory of the old ways, and if I could sacrifice cattle and prisoners of war to my gods I would. [/QUOTE] So, I can't just exist among you, I have to try and convert you? Are you trying to start a war? Being a Christian and embracing "non-Christians" is EXACTLY what I'm supposed to do. Who do you think Jesus hung out with? I don't belong to some frigging exclusive club. If that was what this was, I would have said fuck it like the rest of you. I have no inclination of trying to "save" anyone over the INTERNET. You know what I stand for. If you believe in it, sweet and if you don't, I still don't have a problem with you. I'm not here to condemn anyone for anything. I am no better or worse than anyone here. I do not feel it is your place to tell me who I am and what I'm supposed to be. That decision is left up to ME and NOT YOU. You better understand that. [/QUOTE]
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