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Attn all of you losers in bands.

[Dec 22,2006 9:16pm - blackmetallady in the bathroom  ""]
Post pictures of your band so I can shit on them.
[Dec 23,2006 1:35am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Do hobby bands count since we're really all hobby rockers being that we don't make 100K/year touring with Radiohead?
[Dec 23,2006 1:37am - BlackMetalLady ""]
hobby rocker has nothing to so with money, moron
[Dec 23,2006 1:58am - W3 nli  ""]
BlackMetalLady said:hobby rocker has nothing to so with money, moron


who are you calling a moron, learn to write a fucking sentence...MORON !
[Dec 23,2006 2:00am - BlackMetalLady ""]
You don't have a correct sentence either LMAO
[Dec 23,2006 2:01am - W3 nli  ""]
actually my fart just told me i did

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