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FDA: Cloned animals safe to eat

[Dec 28,2006 1:03pm - archaeon ""]

[Dec 28,2006 1:20pm - Sacreligion ""]
are cloned jessica albas safe to eat? ;)
[Dec 28,2006 8:37pm - yummy ""]
would it still be murder if you killed a clone?
[Dec 28,2006 9:39pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
The FDA also approved GMO, safe my ass...
[Dec 28,2006 10:20pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
I'll eat cloned animals.
[Dec 28,2006 10:41pm - Joshtruction ""]
can't be much worse than a KFC chicken.
[Dec 28,2006 10:44pm - xanonymousx ""]
i don't know if i will eat cloned food....
[Dec 28,2006 11:06pm - yummy ""]
Well...it might be okay. But, they are genetically modified which can cause disfunction in their organs. I don't know...I'd rather not, but I'm sure the FDA will find any way around it to get this to pass. It's rather shady that they won't at least label the food that is the copy. Don't worry you'll be fine.

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