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FOR SALE:Focusrite Mic preamp

[Jan 3,2007 8:45pm - handinjury ""]
Focusrite TwinTrak Pro 2 channel Mic preamp $350.00

Each channel has: XLR(mic),1/4" Instrument input,Line input and a insert.
48+ phantom power,air switch(hi-end boost),phase reverse, HPF(75Hz low cut),6 segment input metering& VU output metering.There is also a Mid scoop EQ, optical compessor. One of the coolest features of this unit is the "latency free monitoring" section(pretty freakin sweet in todays DAW world and the latency thats present). And a headphone out section.
OUTPUTS:each channel has XLR(balanced) and 1/4 -10db outs.There is also a compression sidechain insert. Stereo send/return inputs(if you wanted to have some reverb in the headphones while you tracked vocals but not going to tape/disc) Monitor l&r inputs 1/4 and xlr. And headphone mix l/r jacks.
This also has DAC inputs (spdif and wordclock). And there is the option to add-on a ADC output card. I have the owners manual and orginal factory box.
This unit has many options. Check out the Focusrite website for more details or send me a email. Purchased for $600 from G.C. 3 years ago.

*****Unit is great cosmetic condtion but there is one small FLAW. The 1/4" instrument input on channel 1 was damaged while trying to unplug a monster cable from the unit. The jack still works but the cable does not "click in" when plugged in. So the cable just rests in the jack.But it still works fine.******
Other than that the unit works great.
CONTACT: HALL666 at cox dot net
[Jan 3,2007 8:57pm - Joshtruction ""]
I have to leave for a few weeks to the vinyard for work. When I get back if you still got it I might jump on it. I know I am picking up a mesa pre amp, and if I can swing the cash we will talk. Where are you located?
[Jan 3,2007 10:22pm - handinjury ""]
Joshtruction said:I have to leave for a few weeks to the vinyard for work. When I get back if you still got it I might jump on it. I know I am picking up a mesa pre amp, and if I can swing the cash we will talk. Where are you located?

Rhode Island
[Jan 5,2007 4:20pm - handinjury ""]

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