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Any help for a show, 2/08/07?

[Jan 8,2007 11:05am - SapremiaNJ ""]
We will be in the New England area playing a few shows with Zircon, Kultur, and a few other bands. We are opening for Unleashed and Belphegor on the 7th at Mark's. We also are playing Ralph's Diner in Worcester on the 9th and Rox's Rock House in Oxford on the 10th. We need a show to fill in for Thursday the 8th, anything going on? it can be anywhere in the reasonable area and we would look to have Zircon play as well since they hooked us up for the other three shows. Anyone that can add us to a bill or have anything in mind, please email us at sapremianj@yahoo.com or PM us here. Thanks, hope to see many of you at at least one of these shows...
[Jan 8,2007 1:40pm - SapremiaNJ ""]
[Jan 16,2007 10:23am - SapremiaNJ ""]
Still nothing for the 8th, anyone?
[Jan 17,2007 7:13am - sapremianj ""]
We are also now playing on the 6th at the Lucky Dog in Worcester.
6th - Lucky Dog, Worcester
7th - Mark's (Unleashed Show) Bedford, NH
9th - Ralph's, Worcester
10th - Rox's, Oxford
[Jan 17,2007 8:15am - the_reverend ""]
I'm on my phone... but check what's up @ mojitos in dover nh (booked on thursdays by the singer of the band windowpane) or.. obriens?
[Jan 17,2007 8:33am - SapremiaNJ ""]
will do rev, thanks
[Jan 17,2007 8:44am - SapremiaNJ ""]
Looked up windowpane, is this the same one from Seattle??? They are listed on here and have a myspace, but it says Seattle.
[Jan 17,2007 8:50am - the_reverend ""]
no, NH.
[Jan 17,2007 9:07am - SapremiaNJ ""]
Yeah, i think i have the right one, but if you hit their myspace link, their myspace page says Seattle and the band doesnt even look the same.... I put a message on the RTTP page. Thanks!
[Jan 17,2007 9:08am - SapremiaNJ ""]
Any way or anyone to contact for OBriens?
[Jan 19,2007 12:32pm - SapremiaNJ ""]
Apparently, Thursday night is not a happening time up there...
Anyone want to hit a bar since we seemingly will have the night off?
[Jan 19,2007 12:35pm - SteveOTB ""]
My band is playing a show in Lowell, MA on 2/8/07. I may be able to get you on it if you like. It may not be that great of a show but atleast it's something to kill some time.
[Jan 19,2007 12:43pm - SapremiaNJ ""]
No shit! That would work fine by me. And i have family right near Lowell in Dracut. Let me know if you could, it would be two bands - Sapremia and Zircon if you have the room!!! Shoot me an email sapremianj@yahoo.com if you can or just hit me up here. MUCH APPRECIATED!!!
[Jan 19,2007 12:50pm - SteveOTB ""]
Just talked to the guy putting on the show and you guys are all set for playing if you want to play. Here's some of the information

Thursday February 8th, 2007
Rusty G's Place
731 Lakeview Ave.
Lowell, Massachusetts 01850

Of The Betrayed, Heretic Hybrid, Zircon, Sapremia, and 1 more I can't remember. Doors at 8:00, admission is $5.00, and show is 21+.
[Jan 19,2007 12:58pm - SapremiaNJ ""]
Sweet bro, we are in! Thanks two million, couldnt find a spot anywhere. Any contact info we could exchange? Email me...
[Jan 19,2007 1:00pm - SteveOTB ""]
Just in case my e-mail is band@ofthebetrayed.com and if you need my number PM me.
[Jan 19,2007 1:09pm - SapremiaNJ ""]
Ill email you, thanks
[Jan 19,2007 1:30pm - the_reverend ""]
sweet, the system works!
[Jan 19,2007 1:40pm - SapremiaNJ ""]
yeah it does
[Jan 19,2007 1:45pm - MadOakDevin ""]
o'brien's i don't think will be ready by then.

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