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Fates end (hardcore/grind/melotic etal band) check us out ...

[Nov 12,2003 5:52pm - FaesxEnd  ""]
whats up im the drummer for a band called Fates End(hardcore/grind from waltham ma) were a new band looking to play some shows and get our name out if you want to hear our shit we got 2 songs up on mp3 hears the link http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/644/fates_end_ma.html
i would recomend the second its better quality, if you like what you hear and want to set up a show with us you can go to our website www.fatesxend.cjb.net and leave something in the guestbook (your website etc)

[Nov 12,2003 6:12pm - dreadkill ""]
is your music like a cross between fates warning and the end?
[Nov 12,2003 9:08pm - nick ""]
you guys should play with the band 'our fate ends'. it could be an extremely generic and boring show.
[Nov 12,2003 9:17pm - jake  ""]
nick said:you guys should play with the band 'our fate ends'. it could be an extremely generic and boring show.


ps. where exactly does your 'grindcore influence' come in?
[Nov 12,2003 9:33pm - fatesxend ""]
it come sin on our other songs that should be up on mp3 in a couple of days
[Nov 12,2003 10:16pm - RippingCorpse  ""]
Generic hardcore...i don't hear any death or grind influence
[Nov 13,2003 11:46am - A_Cold_Reality ""]
catch these guys w/ Acr on december 12th in lexington
[Nov 13,2003 4:30pm - heartless ""]
i thought this stuff was deecent.
too many fucking bell hits though
for serious, its like a boxing match
with 29857 rounds. well anyway
its not grindcore its just hardcore
with tons of breakdowns. its alright
[Nov 13,2003 4:41pm - FaesxEnd  ""]
yea i shouldnt of phrased it like that (grindcore) i was confused

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