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Woke up from a bad nigthmare!

[Jan 19,2007 11:29am - Troll ""]
I was in some small town pop music shop that had no good music, no metal punk ect... Surprisingly they had a small selection of vinyl records
and on display on top of them all was Arckanum's first pressing of Fran Marder but, it had some other rare qualities aswell. So, I look at it to see the price and see no tag. So I'm thinking ok these chumps are gonna sell this to me for no more than $15. So, I ask the clerk behind the counter (who's face will haunt me for life consequentely) and says,"nine thousand and ninety nine dollars"................*jaw drops*
I ask him if I heard him clearly and then I started to panic and woke up just now.

We'll, fuck the record! How about analyzing the symbology of the dream.....Start by putting those 9's this way 6.
Man, I think I've watched Trick or Treat one too many times.
[Jan 19,2007 11:50am - SteveOTB ""]
I had a dream last night that I was saving Bucket Head from a bunch of murderers and I fought a whole gang of midgets while playing an oversized game of dominos...explain that one.
[Jan 19,2007 11:55am - powerkok ""]
I dreamt last night that I broke some speed barrier that has never been broken, and it made me have no gravitational pull, so I floated around the rest of the day.
[Jan 19,2007 11:56am - powerkok ""]
Not as weird as dreaming of a Fran Marder pressing that costs $9099, tho !!!!
[Jan 19,2007 11:58am - Sinistas ""]
"I had a nightmare, Docta Phyll, everybody was tellin' me NOOOOOO"
[Jan 19,2007 11:58am - largefreakatzero ""]
I have no dreams.
[Jan 19,2007 11:59am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i dreamt that i cut my dick off at the dinner table and it had magical powers that let me win a vicious game of dodgeball with the dude that plays shooter mcgavin on happy gilmore. after that my girlfriend's father was getting pissed at everyone in his family for not letting him use a computer, so i let him use mine. he was very grateful and gave me money to buy puppies for my girlfriend.

that was a weird dream.
[Jan 19,2007 12:00pm - Messerschmitt ""]
i have weird dreams when i drink wine
[Jan 19,2007 12:13pm - largefreakatzero ""]
MMMM wine. Cabernet, Merlot, Chianti or Pinot Noir + a large joint = good.
[Jan 19,2007 12:14pm - Messerschmitt ""]
alice white merlot is what i'm going for lately. that and ravenswood. cheap but good.
[Jan 19,2007 12:15pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Check out Bollini Merlot if you can find it. About $10 and tasty.
[Jan 19,2007 12:20pm - Messerschmitt ""]
largefreakatzero said:Check out Bollini Merlot if you can find it. About $10 and tasty.

cool, i'll look for it tonight
[Jan 19,2007 12:39pm - Yeti ""]
i had a dream last night that i ran into an old enemy of mine and i was trying to bash his face into the ground, but it wasnt having any kind of effect.
[Jan 19,2007 12:44pm - ariavette ""]
i hate that.. like .. running and not going anywhere dreams when your being chased those are horrible... or the yelling but nothing comes out dreams...
[Jan 19,2007 1:07pm - atthehaunted ""]
I had a dream that February is White History Month
[Jan 20,2007 7:19am - Execution_Style ""]
Waking up with sleep paralysis is kind of freaky. Lucid dreaming while having sleep paralysis is pretty weird, too.

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