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ATTN: Carina

[Jan 27,2007 4:04pm - pam ""]
Drop everything you're doing and come to my sex toy party tonight. Punch and pie. Do it. Rumor has it even Metal Jess is coming.
[Jan 27,2007 4:28pm - the_reverend ""]
I just tm'd her telling her about it.
this would be like a girl's night in for her.
[Jan 27,2007 5:32pm - pam ""]
Thanks buddy.
[Jan 27,2007 5:52pm - davefromthegrave ""]
[Jan 27,2007 5:56pm - pam ""]
[Jan 27,2007 6:15pm - the_reverend ""]
you guys are going to have to mount sebians without her, I'm guessing.
[Jan 27,2007 6:19pm - Kevord ""]
Did you mean Sybian?
[Jan 27,2007 6:53pm - succubus ""]
hey pam! I was in the studio and aaron texted me. I'm home now but it's late nad I wish you were closer because i would have come over otherwise!!!!!!
[Jan 28,2007 11:40pm - pam ""]
I'll drag you to the next one. Jessica came, haven't seen her in ages. Granny Monster made the hike too, and she's the cutest little thing I've ever seen. We had a good time, and I'm sure another picture of me with Wally will be "discovered" and "revealed" eventually. Goodtimes.
[Jan 28,2007 11:54pm - the_reverend ""]
I said something to tom around you guys testing things out together, he turns to granny monster and says "they really do that?"
I should have followed up with the fact that they took gullible out of the dictionary too.
[Jan 29,2007 9:04am - Granny_Monster ""]
the_reverend said:I said something to tom around you guys testing things out together, he turns to granny monster and says "they really do that?"
I should have followed up with the fact that they took gullible out of the dictionary too.

Ever since I mentioned to him that I was going to this he kept insisting that something like that would happen and that there would be a Sybian and a multitude of butt plugs. I think he was glad to know someone else had a similar theory. Maybe he just listens to/watches too much Howard Stern.

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