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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to deathchick.
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[QUOTE="deathchick:570390"]This is what Rox's posted about why they have been closed. hopefully they will reopen. Seems like the town of oxford are being douches. PLEASE LET ANYONE KNOW THAT THIS IS THE REASON WHY WE ARE NOT OPEN. RUMORS ARE GOING AROUND TOWN THAT ROX'S ISN'T OPEN BECAUSE WE WERE SERVING UNDER-AGE DRINKERS. THIS IS NOT TRUE. PLEASE PASS ON WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON IN OXFORD!!! ASK NOT WHAT YOUR TOWN CAN DO FOR YOU.....ASK WHAT YOUR TOWN WILL DO FOR ITSELF!!!! Rox's Will Not Be Open This Weekend (February 2nd & 3rd) The Town of Oxford said that Rox's had safety violations. Rox's had the fire safety violations taken care of. Rox's had the electrical violation/issues fixed by a licensed electrician and that was approved by the town. Rox's had a certified licensed structural engineer approve that Rox's was indeed safe and submitted that approval with the required seal...... But now the Town of Oxford is NOT accepting that. (ie. loophole) Just to let it be known to all that Roxanne & Kim have spent over $6,000.00 to date to have these issues taken care of (the sprinkler system paperwork alone had cost approx. $3,000.00). The Selectmen office held a meeting last week without anyone from Rox's present and mailed Roxanne a letter over this past weekend stating that they do not have the 106 Safety Inspection Certificate and therefore disapproved of Rox's liquor license for 2007 (Chapter 304?) and Roxanne & Kim have to reapply for a liquor license which can only be done during the month of November. So that leaves 9 months with that (1) liquor license open for anyone to apply for. This will most definitely be scooped up by the selectman in town who wants a liquor license for his establishment in Oxford. Roxanne & Kim had tried to set up a meeting with the NEWLY APPOINTED TOWN MANAGER OF OXFORD and they were told that "HE IS ON VACATION." So Roxanne & Kim meet with the stand-in town manager at 1:00 Tuesday afternoon. After the meeting they had on Tuesday, there were discrepancies found in what the town did (as far as taking the liquor license away) so as of now it is still Roxs' liquor license and we are getting the structural engineer to come in tomorrow (Thursday) to write the proper letter and new plans. Then we will get the liquor license reinstated. We will keep everyone posted.[/QUOTE]
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