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ok... who in the HEAVEN is going to see Stryper wednesday at the Axis?

[Nov 18,2003 2:13am - thegreatspaldino ""]
seriously... who else is going? i have no idea what time it starts or how much it is... but im so gonna be there... cant wait!
[Nov 18,2003 5:04am - Hooker ""]
I have Soldiers Under Command on white vinyl if you want to buy it.
[Nov 18,2003 3:26pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
come on guys! no one is going to show their Stryper love and go tomorrow? =(
[Nov 18,2003 3:27pm - A_Cold_Reality ""]
i would mAN...but school's got me on the lockdown
[Nov 19,2003 3:57pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
[Nov 20,2003 12:42am - thegreatspaldino ""]
FUCKING INCREDIBLE. seriously... this show ruled. Micheal Sweet's voice was perfect. it was almost like the cd was playing thats how spot on his vocals were. i even got the greatest shirt ever. \m/ you guys should have went.
[Nov 20,2003 12:43am - the_reverend ""]
pass.. faghole
[Nov 20,2003 12:47am - phantos ""]
the_reverend said:Just got back! Photos are uploading now!

[Nov 20,2003 2:46am - thegreatspaldino ""]
[Nov 20,2003 3:27am - A_Cold_Reality ""]
stryper rules

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