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Direct Connect Users!!!

[Sep 8,2002 4:46am - Devin  ""]
if you are looking for a great place to download music or chat about it then help us grow. Download Direct Connect @ www.neo-modus.com or www.download.com and connect to MP3s_Metal_Emo_HC_Grind ( We just started this hub and would appreciate as many users as possible. All you need to do to join is share 1 GB of your music and have at least 3 slots open. Together we can make this one of the best places to find underground music.
Spread the word!!
[Sep 8,2002 1:33pm - RustedAngel ""]
direct connect is okay

slksk is better ;)
[Aug 25,2005 7:01pm - An80sMetalChick ""]
there is a direct connect chirp network on the www.chickie.org webpage.
[Aug 25,2005 7:05pm - the_reverend ""]
wow... old thread

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