Mastodon, Converge, Priestess @ toad's 2/16[views:6412][posts:27]Toad's Place (New Haven, CT) - [converge][mastodon][priestess] [show listing] ______________________________________ [Feb 15,2007 5:24pm - the_reverend ""] anyone else going? |
_________________________________ [Feb 15,2007 5:27pm - W3 nli ""] im going sunday but the show here is slayer, mastodon and converge. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 15,2007 5:30pm - HailAtWork ""] I'll be there...bastards playing all the way in bumfuck ct |
______________________________ [Feb 15,2007 5:42pm - Lamp ""] I guess New Haven is realistic on a Friday night but I doubt I give enough of a shit about any of these bands to go that far. |
______________________________________ [Feb 15,2007 10:27pm - xanonymousx ""] SLAYER. |
_______________________________ [Feb 15,2007 11:16pm - Lamp ""] I live 20 minutes away from Providence and could never give enough of a shit about Slayer to go see them again. Besides, there's awesome shows on both Saturday and Sunday at a venue that doesn't have a barrier, has way more awesome bands, and is a fraction of their ticket prices. I'll go spend the leftover money on records. Have fffuuuuunnnnnNN!N!N!NN!N!!!N!N!N!!!!! Mwahahaha. |
_______________________________________ [Feb 15,2007 11:28pm - GoatCatalyst ""] yep |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2007 1:13pm - the_reverend ""] I'm set for shooting converge, they are still waiting on mastodon. |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2007 4:06pm - the_reverend ""] leaving now. |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2007 4:28pm - the_reverend ""] can some one post toad's address? |
___________________________________ [Feb 16,2007 4:41pm - ~carina~ ""] got yer text msg: I-95 Take exit 47 (Downtown New Haven Exit) this puts you on a four lane highway. Follow this to the last ramp. At first light take a right onto York Street. Toads is 4.5 blocks down on your lefthand side--300 York Street. I-91 Exit 1 (Downtown New Haven Exit) then the same as above. Waterbury/Naugatuck Route 8 to route 63. This turns into Whalley Ave. Follow Whalley to downtown area. Take a left onto York Street. Toads is about 1/2 way down the block. Route 69 69 turns into Whalley Avenue and then follow directions above. Route 84 (Danbury)/ Route 34 From I84 take exit 11 which is Route 34 and head towards New Haven. Route 34 merges into George Street. Follow George to the downtown area. Take a left onto York Street. Merrit Parkway Exit 59. Take a right at the end of the ramp. At next light make a left onto Whalley Avenue. Go towards downtown and when you past the Holiday Inn (on the right) take your next left onto York Street. We are 1/2 way down the block on the left. Home • Calendar • Directions • History • Tickets • Booking • Lilly's Pad • Online Rock Shop Toad's Place • 300 York Street • New Haven CT • 203.624.TOAD • |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2007 4:46pm - the_reverend ""] bad traffic. good secretary. if you would wear your glasses, I you make a depsoit on them. |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2007 4:54pm - the_reverend ""] I'm averaging 10mph... 153 miles = 15 hrs. |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2007 5:01pm - the_reverend ""] I'm lying.. in 40 minutes of driving, I've done 5 miles. |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2007 5:03pm - the_reverend ""] 9 miles not 5. |
__________________________________ [Feb 16,2007 5:06pm - Niccolai ""] then go to brockton instead and watch me and xmikex shit on a chicken. And free drunk white women for everyone. |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2007 7:42pm - the_reverend ""] here now and cold! |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2007 7:54pm - the_reverend ""] ok.. doors are open and the show starts at 8:30.. damn.. I got nothing to do until them. |
__________________________________ [Feb 16,2007 8:05pm - succubus ""] talk to the lighting person |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2007 8:07pm - the_reverend ""] about? |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2007 8:43pm - the_reverend ""] priestess is 8:45-9:15 converge is 9:30-10:15 mastodon is 10:45-12am mastodon's set list is immense. |
______________________________________ [Feb 16,2007 9:23pm - the_reverend ""] priestess: never heard nor heard of this band. They are an enigma wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in another enigma. I'd best have an epiphone during their set and figure it out! 70's rock. Very much like like high on fire/motorhead. More towards the rock side and not the metal side. they are from canada (formally know as our peaceful neighbor to the north. Yes I can steal material like mencia too!). Near the end of the set, the drummer did a ~5 minute solo. It was pretty good. The other members actually sat down while the guy went off. They all came back out and played 3 more songs. Is it just me or does the lead singer look like one of the dudes from underoath.. The drummer, I think. Did that guy leave underoath? Is he from canada? does he have a giant wolf tattoo on his arm? |
_______________________________________ [Feb 16,2007 10:37pm - the_reverend ""] I can't believe I shot this tour back on sept 9th. It doesn't seem like that long ago. converge: awesomely played. These guys are tightier than any other band out there. I can see what they meant in cambridge when they said that the barricades sucked. Yeah, it was great for me and all.. But they were so far from the crowd. There were a couple people that managed to get from the side of the stage and crowd surf, but not many. The ones that did were semi-chased into the crowd. Mostly, they were just kept off the side of the stage so that they couldn't go airborne. No endless wave of kids, hardly any people to sing along. And for example, there was a guy with a poster that stayed in the front the whole time and his mastodon poster was fine! When converge started, 4 other photog's decented on the photopit. My little area that was so bare for priestess was now full. Thankfully, there was only one bouncer in there. so there was enough room to move around and not bump into anything/one. The set was the same one they played in combridge, but hell, it's converge! They also played 3 older songs. I must have been mistaken from the other set. |
_______________________________________ [Feb 17,2007 12:31am - the_reverend ""] shows over, drivin home! WNHU 88.7 just played maudlin of the well, awesome! |
_______________________________________ [Feb 17,2007 12:37am - the_reverend ""] (203) 934-9296 is wnhu's request line. I actually knew the kid running the show. small world! |
______________________________________ [Feb 17,2007 3:58am - the_reverend ""] pictures uploading |
______________________________________ [Feb 17,2007 8:55am - GoatCatalyst ""] WNHU rules |
_____________________________________ [Feb 17,2007 4:00pm - HailTheLeaf ""] Mastodon's setlist: (or close to it) This Mortal Soil The Wolf Is Loose Crystal Skull Capillarian Crest I Am Ahab Sleeping Giant Circle Of Cysquatch Iron Tusk March Of The Fire Ants Where Strides The Behemoth Mother Puncher Aqua Dementia Bladecatcher Colony Of Birchmen Megalodon Blood And Thunder Hearts Alive Those bastards need to start playing The Emerald again at the end of their set. |