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Slint to perform Spiderland in its entirety

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Feb 21,2007 1:00pm - anonymous  ""]
Aug. 22. too bad it's in England. http://www.dontlookbackconcerts.com for info.
[Feb 21,2007 1:21pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought this was too good to be true.. damn it..
[Feb 21,2007 1:27pm - anonymous  ""]
yeah, it totally sucks it's across the pond. plan a holiday around the show, maybe?
[Feb 21,2007 3:30pm - starmummy ""]
I thought there reunion a couple years ago was their final one? Anyway, I'd like to see it, but can't.
[Feb 21,2007 4:57pm - ClinicallyDead ""]
Fuck Fuck Fuck

Totally missed out on it last time. I would love to see that, one of my all time favs.

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