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System of a Down rips off Emperor?

[Mar 1,2007 4:59pm - Phrozenspite ""]
you be the judge
[Mar 1,2007 5:03pm - JDDomination ""]
thats hilarious, Ive always said that they suck, now not only do they suck but they rip people off, they are officially the "Carlos Mencia" of bullshit metal
[Mar 1,2007 5:35pm - VanHouten ""]
did they realise they weren't any good at trying to rip off meshuggah?
[Mar 1,2007 5:38pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Mar 1,2007 5:54pm - yummy ""]
I think you might be giving System of a Down too much credit.
[Mar 1,2007 6:21pm - mOe ""]
well, the guitar player from SOAD loves black metal so most likely...i could give a shit about either band so i'll get back to my dinner
[Mar 1,2007 6:27pm - brian_dc ""]
I might be just waiting to catch shit for this. But it's a pretty generic metal riff. I'm sure you could do this for tons of bands who just play generic metal riffs.

It's just moving one kindergarten metal melody between two chords over and over again.

Don't get me wrong, I love Emperor. But I'm failing to see how this is a big deal.
[Mar 1,2007 6:29pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
seriously... its different. some of the notes are the same, whatever. tempo is slightly faster in the SOAD song too. this isnt as bad as the RHCP Tom Petty rip off.
[Mar 1,2007 6:30pm - mOe ""]
what ripoff is that?
[Mar 1,2007 6:58pm - retzam ""]
Yeah, as far as ripoffs go this is pretty small I think.
[Mar 1,2007 7:22pm - xanonymousx ""]
hardcore/metalcore bands are the biggest rip offs of eachother.
[Mar 1,2007 7:42pm - Ryan_M ""]
I heard a few similar notes but I wouldn't call it a total rip-off.
On a side note, I hate when people try to stick up for their horrible music just because some of their songs have blastbeats in them.
[Mar 1,2007 8:05pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
definitely similar, but not a ripoff...the SOAD song has a different motif based around a similar melody

if you're going to say SOAD ripped off emperor you could say that anyone playing a melody based off of the minor scale is ripping them off
[Mar 1,2007 9:15pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
yeah there are so many bands out there that almost everyone sounds like they are playing someone elses riffs, especially if you love the bands you are acused of ripping off.

Me and my band mates used to rip on our guitarist because all his riffs sounded like arch enemy, slayer, pantera, or Iced Earth riffs
[Mar 1,2007 10:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
All I'm sayin is, if they were gonna rip off (allegedly) a black metal song, they could have easily found a more obscure one. Not that I condone that type of behaviour but, seriously thats a fairly "popular" black metal song/band ... what a retard.
[Mar 2,2007 1:05am - sxealex ""]
im not a fan of soad but it could have been an accident... devil in the kitchen rips off mavishnu orchestra... we pay royalties tho. eternities breath part 1 has 2 parts we took in trey eats meat.
[Mar 2,2007 8:39am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
whoa i didnt know you were Devil in the Kitchen... you guys rule.
[Mar 2,2007 8:50am - sxealex ""]
thanks although we are not doing much lately
[Mar 2,2007 11:09am - passerby  ""]
SOAD are a great innoventive metal band. Maybe the best in the game today worldwide.
[Mar 2,2007 12:21pm - agrippa ""]
i dont have sound on my computer at work, what song did they rip off?
[Mar 2,2007 12:22pm - agrippa ""]
Syndrome Of A Down suck anyways so it doesnt really matter.
[Mar 2,2007 12:38pm - Yeti ""]
they could only dream of ripping off Emperor.
[Mar 2,2007 12:44pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I bet Ihsahn got a chuckle out of this. Unless of course he is still too grim for chuckling.
[Mar 3,2007 10:42am - eurononymous  ""]
[Mar 3,2007 1:51pm - DREADkill ""]
i am the black wizards!
[Mar 3,2007 1:58pm - anonymous  ""]
Whatever..rip off's are everywhere
Listen to Virgil by Lamb of god
Then Stairway to heaven..by..well..you should know
Something sounds kinda a little bit similar
[Mar 3,2007 5:48pm - Dar ""]
The worst I ever heard was "Grave in No Man's Land" off Grave Digger's Last Supper album. Such a lame album, the only thing that sticks in my mind about it is how they apparently decided to lift one of the most widely recognized metal riffs in existence
[Mar 3,2007 6:12pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Syndrome of a Down
[Mar 3,2007 6:49pm - swinesack nli  ""]
that's pretty far from the emperor riff, sounds like shit
[Mar 4,2007 10:34am - retzam ""]
Dar said:The worst I ever heard was "Grave in No Man's Land" off Grave Digger's Last Supper album. Such a lame album, the only thing that sticks in my mind about it is how they apparently decided to lift one of the most widely recognized metal riffs in existence

What riff did they lift?
[Mar 4,2007 9:26pm - Dar ""]
You gotta hear it for yourself dude, it's so blatant I don't want to ruin it by saying

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