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Mortalis Seek New Vocalist

[Mar 22,2007 5:25pm - Archaeon ""]
Things haven't been working out with the other dude so we're searching the market

-Between the age of 16-22
-Able to practice once a week in Andover, Mass
-Able to sing in the style of Demolition Hammer/Solstice (like on Pray)/Malevolent Creation (Brett Hoffmann)
-Able to chip into merch/recording costs
-Open schedule for shows and recording

If this sounds cool with you shoot us an email or message on myspace

[Mar 22,2007 9:11pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
Someone needs to sing for these cool cats. :satancross:
[Mar 23,2007 11:49pm - mortalis ""]
infectious hospital bump
[Apr 7,2007 10:34pm - mortalis ""]
[Apr 11,2007 12:57am - mortalis ""]
[Apr 11,2007 1:26am - pam ""]
You guys gonna have a singer at DeeDee's?
[Apr 11,2007 9:01am - mortalis nli  ""]
yeah, grant, carlos and i can all sing, so we're alright for a show. we can't sing in the style we're looking for, though. since we're recording right now, we'd like to have it sound as good as possible, so finding someone who can sing like christian rudes or whatever would be awesome. that, and writing lyrics sucks, hah.
[Apr 13,2007 8:49am - mortalis nli  ""]
[Apr 15,2007 8:00pm - mortalis ""]
[Apr 18,2007 7:53pm - mortalis ""]
[Apr 18,2007 8:01pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
mortalis said:[img]

That's an awesome album.
[Apr 18,2007 9:59pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
you guys cant atleast get the old singer to sing on the new cd?
[Apr 19,2007 1:01am - mortalis ""]
if necessary, our bassist carlos can sing, even though he's not what we're looking for. he's got a good growl, but it's on the lower end. we want something more floridian/thrashy. and yeah, gammacide is fucking badass.
[Apr 20,2007 12:05am - Archaeon ""]
[Apr 25,2007 9:07am - mortalis nli  ""]
[May 6,2007 12:43am - mortalis ""]
[Jun 9,2007 1:19pm - Archaeon ""]
By the looks of things we might need a new bassist too.
[Jun 9,2007 1:27pm - fishcakes ""]
[Jun 9,2007 1:54pm - mortalis ""]
very lame. however, the vocalist "requirements" are not nearly as restrictive anymore. if you can sing floridian/thrashy, that's great, but we'd be happy with necrophagist style vocals or whatever.
[Jun 9,2007 3:34pm - st.an  ""]
what the hell happened to carlos???
he was a great vocalist
[Jun 9,2007 3:43pm - Archaeon ""]
He moved to Plymouth (over an hour away from were the rest of the band is) without telling us and "can only play shows" because hes to busy to practice.

He's not out yet, but I'm just predicting.
[Jun 9,2007 3:51pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Archaeon said:He moved to Plymouth (over an hour away from were the rest of the band is) without telling us and "can only play shows" because hes to busy to practice.

He's not out yet, but I'm just predicting.

hah, so he lives right down the street from me now. i'll go smack him in the head and tell him to go play bass if you want, haha.
[Jun 9,2007 5:34pm - Archaeon ""]
Please do.

I'm sure he'll run by your place sometime. You can't miss em.
[Jun 9,2007 10:58pm - xanonymousx ""]
hmmmm this seems interesting....
[Jun 26,2007 2:50am - vomittingcarcass ""]
[Jun 28,2007 12:58am - archaeon ""]
damng is right
[Jun 28,2007 1:18am - timjohn  ""]
hope this works out for the best
[Jun 28,2007 1:19am - vomittingcarcass ""]
id do it, but im 23 :/, and sound more along the lines of Dio, or Kornholio.
[Jun 28,2007 1:21am - timjohn  ""]
o rly?
[Jun 28,2007 1:49pm - archaeon ""]
vomittingcarcass said:id do it, but im 23 :/, and sound more along the lines of Dio, or Kornholio.

Sorry, you don't give good enough head. Maybe one day. :HUMP:
[Jun 28,2007 1:58pm - Niccolai ""]
That's too bad about Carlos, he's a good dude.

Will he still be playing in Archaeon?
[Jun 28,2007 2:09pm - archaeon ""]
Correction: Carlos is still in Mortalis, He's just a huge douchebag haha. Skips practices after saying he'll be there with bullshit excuses, made it to the show Tuesday which was a step up for him.

Archaeon is barely a band anymore, we have probably 30+ minutes of music written but we haven't rehearsed in months kinda like t3h b0dy farmz. I'm not even sure if carlos can play the new stuff, i hope so...
[Jun 29,2007 1:55am - Niccolai ""]
archaeon said:we haven't rehearsed in months kinda like t3h b0dy farmz.

I feel you on that homie.
[Jul 3,2007 6:58pm - archaeon ""]
last bump

I'm done

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