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I want this "laptop"

[Mar 27,2007 11:34pm - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 27,2007 11:35pm - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 27,2007 11:38pm - dertoxia ""]
wow that looks pretty nifty but i dunno how much i'd enjoy using an 5" 800x480 screen. that would strain your eyes soooo much trying to read anything.
[Mar 27,2007 11:41pm - dertoxia ""]
actually for under $2000 that's kinda nice. i was expecting this to be some non existent vaporware that would never be sold. or would be sold for a rediculously high price.

sorta like the optimus keyboard which i'm still waiting on.
[Mar 27,2007 11:44pm - the_reverend ""]
you got $1500 for a keyboard?
[Mar 27,2007 11:46pm - the_reverend ""]
OQO was vaporware for years... I wanted one back in 2000, but they didn't have a product until like 2004/5. the problem is that I have an older laptop that I carry around with me just cause all my email is on it. I realized that I would love to have it all on a single smaller unit. the problem is that there is nothing out there (besides this OQO) that is what I would like. it even uses 3G (sprint) so I could be on email 24-7.
[Mar 27,2007 11:51pm - the_reverend ""]
oh and they would have to have a model with a SSD.
[Mar 28,2007 12:15pm - the_reverend ""]
mark, the OQO was vaporware for years... there was a site up and I wanted it (500Mhz era) now they have their 3rd model.
[Mar 28,2007 12:19pm - the_reverend ""]
here is me mentioning it over 3 years ago:

and under 3 years ago:

I remember their site in 2002, but archive.org is missing their flash presentation that was up: http://web.archive.org/web/20030323225033/http://oqo.com/
[Mar 28,2007 12:29pm - dreadkill ""]
machines will be the end of mankind
[Apr 3,2007 2:47am - the_reverend ""]
up for alex giving me bad advice!
[Apr 3,2007 3:17am - sxealex ""]
hey wtf ur buying a 2000 machine to protect ur emails. sounds like ur searching for a bad solution.... IT is only smarter than u cuz u think so.
[Apr 3,2007 3:19am - sxealex ""]
plus i dont window shop stuff like this enough to know about it
[Apr 3,2007 3:30am - the_reverend ""]
I'm guessing you never worked for a large company with a centralized IT dept. running SMS programs they can and do uninstall applications on your machines and delete files.

when I got my last laptop from them, I had to install apache like 5 times. they kept deleting it as soon as I connected to the network.
[Apr 3,2007 12:24pm - diarrhea_Blumpkin ""]
you could definitely smuggle that into prison :shocked:

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