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[Mar 31,2007 6:48pm - Murph nli  ""]

90% surveyed believe in "God."


I'm glad people have given human existence a lot of thought.

While I'm sure the survey was swayed by the areas surveyed, it shows just how many people in this nation are stuck under fucking rocks.

[Mar 31,2007 7:06pm - xanonymousx ""]
most of the 30% probably go to a school like this http://www.trnty.edu/
[Apr 3,2007 1:05pm - Yeti ""]
i wonder how many actually truly believe in god, or are basically closet agnostic because they are vaginas and afraid of burning in Hell.
[Apr 3,2007 1:09pm - diarrhea_Blumpkin ""]
i actually had to write a debate paper this week giving reasons why creationism should be taught in schools...
[Apr 3,2007 1:10pm - diarrhea_Blumpkin ""]
Creationism Taught In Schools?

There has long been the debate as to whether or not Creationism should be taught in school. I, however, fully believe that it should not be taught, but I have to say it should be for this paper. So here goes nothing:
Public schools should be allowed to teach creationism. Why, you might ask? Because obviously if this idea has been around for thousands of years, its must be true. Why else would it have existed as long as it did, if it weren�t true? We don�t have any �real� proof that we are in fact descended from monkeys. We do have proof that God exists. I mean, where did the Bible come from? Why else would we be able to justify the killing of thousands of innocent people?
This whole debate between evolution and creationism should be ended. If there is such a thing as evolution, then why are there still monkeys? If we have evolved from them, then there shouldn�t be any left. Also the whole idea of dinosaurs and such is preposterous. If they existed for millions of years, then why aren�t they here anymore?
Also, teaching evolution in school is making kids start to question everything, and questioning things is dangerous. We should just be blindly led around being told what to think and feel. It is way safer than having free thought. When we start to question things, dangerous, radical things will happen. People will then start to question authority and try to tell us that President Bush isn�t a super awesome leader. We as a people are better off as sheep being led to the slaughter, not knowing what is really out there, then having the blinders lifted from our eyes and being able to see the world as it is.
[Apr 3,2007 1:22pm - HailAtWork  ""]
Ignoring the gross trampling of speration of church and state - If they're going to teach "creationism" in schools then they'd have to teach everyone's story of creation, not just one religon's story of creation...besides, they already have that at college - religious studies, history, studies of ancient civilizations, etc. There's a time and a place for kids to choose whether or not to study outdated, flawed, religious beliefs that aren't based in reality, it's called college.
[Apr 3,2007 1:26pm - diarrhea_Blumpkin ""]
yea... but they are saying it should be taught in science classes
[Apr 3,2007 1:27pm - Yeti ""]
well thats the whole thing, they arent teaching it as a historical thing and discussing the social aspects of it, they are looking to teach it as truth. i remember taking an english class in high school, and one of the sections was "the bible through literature". so i piped up and said i didnt think it was right to preach about the bible in school, but it wasnt preaching, it was viewing the bible as a piece of literature. i mean it is a fantastic story, but thats all.
[Apr 3,2007 1:34pm - Granny_Monster ""]
diarrhea_Blumpkin said:Creationism Taught In Schools?

There has long been the debate as to whether or not Creationism should be taught in school. I, however, fully believe that it should not be taught, but I have to say it should be for this paper. So here goes nothing:
Public schools should be allowed to teach creationism. Why, you might ask? Because obviously if this idea has been around for thousands of years, its must be true. Why else would it have existed as long as it did, if it weren�t true? We don�t have any �real� proof that we are in fact descended from monkeys. We do have proof that God exists. I mean, where did the Bible come from? Why else would we be able to justify the killing of thousands of innocent people?
This whole debate between evolution and creationism should be ended. If there is such a thing as evolution, then why are there still monkeys? If we have evolved from them, then there shouldn�t be any left. Also the whole idea of dinosaurs and such is preposterous. If they existed for millions of years, then why aren�t they here anymore?
Also, teaching evolution in school is making kids start to question everything, and questioning things is dangerous. We should just be blindly led around being told what to think and feel. It is way safer than having free thought. When we start to question things, dangerous, radical things will happen. People will then start to question authority and try to tell us that President Bush isn�t a super awesome leader. We as a people are better off as sheep being led to the slaughter, not knowing what is really out there, then having the blinders lifted from our eyes and being able to see the world as it is.

Ha ha ha! "Questioning things is dangerous"
[Apr 3,2007 1:39pm - diarrhea_Blumpkin ""]
i got an A on that paper
[Apr 3,2007 1:52pm - Granny_Monster ""]
I've always hated this shit. Even when I was little, sitting in church every sunday, I knew it was crap. Especially since my dad, who made me go with my sister, hardly ever went with us. It's bullshit how people feel like they need to raise their kids into a religion they themselves don't even observe... well, religion is bullshit in the first place, but some people are too weak to fend for themselves and need to have some sort of guidance, a leader in place for when they need help.

People are scared, it's really all it is. They're afraid they won't get eternal life in heaven, or they'll go to hell, or there's nothing at all when we die. I've noticed relatives getting older and more and more religious because they feel they need something to hold on to in preparation for death.

[Apr 3,2007 2:33pm - HailAtWork  ""]
Evangelical christians must be sick of home-schooling their kids...next dinosaurs will be a test of faith and global warming won't exsist in science class.
[Apr 3,2007 2:45pm - Murph ""]
Granny_Monster said:I've always hated this shit. Even when I was little, sitting in church every sunday, I knew it was crap. Especially since my dad, who made me go with my sister, hardly ever went with us. It's bullshit how people feel like they need to raise their kids into a religion they themselves don't even observe... well, religion is bullshit in the first place, but some people are too weak to fend for themselves and need to have some sort of guidance, a leader in place for when they need help.

People are scared, it's really all it is. They're afraid they won't get eternal life in heaven, or they'll go to hell, or there's nothing at all when we die. I've noticed relatives getting older and more and more religious because they feel they need something to hold on to in preparation for death.

You're right. Man's inability to cope with the fact he may be "alone" scares most people. For me, its actually a warm feeling. I know I won't have to be condemned to the eternal shithole popularity-show that heaven would be. Unless God was like he is on Family Guy, then it would kick maximum ass.
[Apr 3,2007 2:49pm - Lamp ""]
South Park god would be way better, he's a giant lizard monkey.

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