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CHRISTIAN DEATH signs to Season of Mist

[Apr 9,2007 11:36am - the_reverend ""]
There are conspiracy theories which, claim 911 along with the follow up terrorist disasters in Europe, were coerced staged events, perpetrated by secret society globalist elitists plotting world domination and that have given rise to New World Order Holy War crusades. Meanwhile, those are fervently supported by middle America Television Evangelists in their mission to punish the wicked and save the world from so-called sexually perverse acts, drugs, alcohol and Darwinian Science, all the while having an apparent desire to zealously bring about Armageddon.

Amidst such growing unrest, the legendary CHRISTIAN DEATH deliver their epic new album, "American Inquisition", to appear later on Season of Mist.

The album will feature male and female duet style vocals, rare and exotic ethnic instruments, both child and adult choirs. Though it will be a concept album containing the band's typical artistic protests, it's actually upbeat.

But before you can witness that yourself, please note that CHRISTIAN DEATH will tour to promote "American Inquisition" next autumn, hopefully in some of the very same venues frequented by the kind folks that brought the band the former French and Spanish Inquisitions, where you can still smell the blood and still hear the screams.
[Apr 9,2007 11:48am - Mike_Giallo ""]
Christian Death hasn't been a band since Rozz died.
[May 19,2007 11:36am - anonymous  ""]
Fuck Rozz, he sucked at everything that he did. Valor is much better then that faggot and his born again christian wife Eva Ortiz
[May 19,2007 12:09pm - dunwich ""]
Valor era Christian Death is terrible, regardless of the drama. Evidently, Rikk Agnew (sp?) is touring with another version of Christian Death which also sounds horrible. Rozz was definitely an acquired taste, but that's what I liked about him. Early Christian Death had that punk edge that Valor lost.

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