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new Ion Dissonance track

[Apr 23,2007 3:05pm - mOe ""]


I haven't heard a single riff that doesnt sound like a breakdown....but i dont think I dislike it. I'd have to hear the rest of the album to really judge.
[Apr 23,2007 3:07pm - the_reverend ""]
you've only been here how long? and you don't know how to make a link.. gebus...
[Apr 24,2007 3:35am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i wouldnt call the whole song a breakdown... its really groovy... not horrible... just a little out of character for them. pretty meshuggah-like.
[Apr 24,2007 3:36am - thegreatspaldino ""]
its also slower paced than their other shit too. i hope their new album isnt a huge disappointment like the new Despised Icon

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