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why don't people dance like this at hardcore shows

[May 3,2007 9:46am - the_reverend ""]

[May 3,2007 10:32am - xmikex ""]
give it a couple years. that's what it's going to turn into. but with fat girls.

nah Im just kidding. for hardcore kids to do that they'd actually have to enjoy themselves at a show.
[May 3,2007 10:34am - Yeti ""]
xmikex said:give it a couple years. that's what it's going to turn into. but with fat girls.

nah Im just kidding. for hardcore kids to do that they'd actually have to enjoy themselves at a show.

no you're not, thats exactly whats going to happen.
[May 3,2007 10:37am - the_reverend ""]
that looks wicked enjoyable.
[May 3,2007 10:38am - xmikex ""]
Those kids are having fun though, and everyone is excited to be there. There's nobody there going "I'm not here for this lindy hop poser shit. I only care about the old school charleston." It's just the wrong environment for hardcore kids.
[May 3,2007 11:06am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Looks fun!
[May 3,2007 11:38am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Hardcore sucks period, it won't exist if we are blessed.
[May 3,2007 11:57am - Lamp ""]
You're the guy who thinks that slammy mosh metal is hardcore, what do you know?
[May 3,2007 12:41pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
if i saw people doing the lindyhop at a hardcore show i would shit my pants... that would be one of the funniest/coolest things to see during a breakdown
[May 3,2007 12:42pm - Yeti ""]
where's mosh girl when you need her.
[May 3,2007 12:44pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i wish i could dance like that
[May 3,2007 12:48pm - BlackoutRick ""]
xmikex said:Those kids are having fun though, and everyone is excited to be there. There's nobody there going "I'm not here for this lindy hop poser shit. I only care about the old school charleston." It's just the wrong environment for hardcore kids.

HAHAHAHA!! Brilliant!!

[May 3,2007 12:49pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
im seriously going to find someone and learn how to do this and attempt this at a show
[May 3,2007 12:52pm - xanonymousx ""]
i could here it no its only a matter of time before you hear from the singer
"all right grab your partner do see do"
this would make the whole experience so much better i mean you wouldn't have to look over your shoulder every two seconds.
[May 3,2007 1:59pm - mikexmike  ""]
the real reason this will never happen at a hardcore show is that hardcore girls are just way way wayy too fat. They'd have a heart attack 45 seconds into the dance routine. That's if they didn't stop after the 30 second mark for a chili dog break. Oh, and there's no possibility for a girl to pick a fight with someone over nothing to showoff to her friends if everyone is doing the lindy hop.

Seriously though, picture this video set to the Cromags "We Gotta Know" haha
[May 3,2007 6:33pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
that shit looks fun as hell. diarrhea blumpkin, let's lindy hop together, hahaha. LINDY HOP CREW AIN'T NOTHIN' FUCK WITH!
[May 3,2007 10:22pm - kylenli  ""]
i like them moves.
[May 3,2007 10:36pm - fishcakes ""]
was that guy in the third couple ken dreadkill?
[May 3,2007 11:59pm - the_reverend ""]
MFR's knees would explode like kyles (when he was black) if he attempted this.
[May 4,2007 7:35am - ZenErik ""]
A room full of people doing that would be far more dangerous than a room full of people punching air.
[May 4,2007 1:25pm - fishcakes ""]
the_reverend said:MFR's knees would explode like kyles (when he was black) if he attempted this.

just asking
[May 5,2007 10:16am - tbone_r nli  ""]
mikey, i'd offer to practice these moves with michelle, but i'm afraid it would turn into that movie where woodie harrelson takes the million bucks to have that rich guy date demi moore for a night, and she ends up falling in love with the rich guy. i may not be rich, but my moves would make her swoon.

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