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New MACHINE HEAD...thoughts?

[May 6,2007 7:55am - maslayer  ""]
I was a big fan of the first cd then lost interest quick. I heard a track off the new cd and it SMOKES!! Anyone have this yet? What's the general concensus? All the reviews I've seen have been pretty positive too...anyone?
[May 6,2007 12:11pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
It's the best thing they've done since "The More Things Change"
[May 6,2007 2:08pm - maslayer  ""]
But that doesn't say much...can you get more specific?
[May 6,2007 3:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i love it... but i am a biased machinehead fan (except for supercharger which was absolute garbage.)
[May 6,2007 3:23pm - zyklon ""]
It's the same shit they've been over & over again, a little better than through the ashes...
[May 6,2007 4:29pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Sick!! Big Machine Head fan.
[May 6,2007 8:01pm - watchmaker666 ""]
rap metal is a sin that can never be forgiven.
[May 6,2007 8:07pm - Mess ""]
what he^ said
i hate that fucking band
[May 6,2007 8:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
watchmaker666 said:rap metal is a sin that can never be forgiven.

does that mean you don't have any respect for Anthrax?

[May 6,2007 8:25pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
maslayer said:But that doesn't say much...can you get more specific?

Ok, it's like the last one but with alot less lame clean "trying to sing pretty" parts and more full-on thrash.
[May 6,2007 8:30pm - dreadkill ""]
watchmaker666 said:rap metal is a sin that can never be forgiven.

[May 6,2007 8:32pm - xanonymousx ""]
i haven't head much of this band but maybe i'll give them another listen cause i am seeing them in two weeks.
[May 6,2007 8:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
HailTheLeaf said:maslayer said:But that doesn't say much...can you get more specific?

Ok, it's like the last one but with alot less lame clean "trying to sing pretty" parts and more full-on thrash.

while that is true, the compositional elements and fluid guitar work present on this album also deserve merit in my opinion. but i can understand how they can be an aquired taste.

[May 7,2007 9:47am - watchmaker666 ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:watchmaker666 said:rap metal is a sin that can never be forgiven.

does that mean you don't have any respect for Anthrax?

I have no respect for Anthrax after Among the Living, I understand that I am the man came out right around this time but they were probably the first metal band to try this out so they didnt know any better, Machine Head knew better.
[May 7,2007 9:52am - largefreakatzero ""]
New Machinehead does nothing for me besides making want to beat up said band.
[May 7,2007 10:47am - immortal13 ""]
I like it. A lot better than the Burning Red and the couple after it.
[May 7,2007 1:13pm - dreadkill ""]
i've curled turds that were more worthwhile than the burning red.
[May 7,2007 2:36pm - largefreakatzero ""]
dreadkill said:i've curled turds that were more worthwhile than the burning red.

I did a turd the other day that felt like it was just an insignificant pellet, but turned out to be an impressive bowl-wrapper. Poop is funny like that.
[May 7,2007 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
largefreakatzero said:dreadkill said:i've curled turds that were more worthwhile than the burning red.

I did a turd the other day that felt like it was just an insignificant pellet, but turned out to be an impressive bowl-wrapper. Poop is funny like that.

those are so weird. it feels like it took 1 second, didnt feel like much, and you become disappointed before even looking, then you look, and just stare in disbelief.
[May 7,2007 3:20pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeti said:largefreakatzero said:dreadkill said:i've curled turds that were more worthwhile than the burning red.

I did a turd the other day that felt like it was just an insignificant pellet, but turned out to be an impressive bowl-wrapper. Poop is funny like that.

those are so weird. it feels like it took 1 second, didnt feel like much, and you become disappointed before even looking, then you look, and just stare in disbelief.

Yes. And this goes to prove that poop is more interesting than the new Machinehead album.
[May 7,2007 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
hahahahahahaha awesome.

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