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Carina's Cat is stupid!!!!

[May 12,2007 12:22am - the_reverend ""]
there is a tub up stair with like 45-50gallons of water. I have fish and plants in it. he just fell into is and sprayed about 5 gallons of water and plants all over the place.
what a dope!
[May 12,2007 2:57am - sacreligion ""]
idiot cat!

the keepers of the realm of the dead should know better

i blame george bush
[May 12,2007 3:35am - the_reverend ""]
I blame lil' bush.
[May 12,2007 10:27am - succubus ""]
he's YOUR cat remember?

also, you need to fill up the water bowl on a daily basis...it's hot and they are thirsty
[May 12,2007 10:49am - handinjury ""]
cats are stupid.
[May 12,2007 11:18am - blue ""]
christ, my cat would never even dream of going near that much water.
[May 12,2007 11:48am - HailTheLeaf ""]
haha, bet he was trying to get the fish!
[May 12,2007 11:55am - the_reverend ""]
I think he was trying to get a drink, but the water's low and he probably went to the "other side" where there aren't any plants, but there's no place to stand.
[May 12,2007 1:49pm - Niccolai ""]
Cats in general are stupid.
[May 12,2007 1:51pm - RichHorror ""]
This thread makes me frownz.
[May 12,2007 1:52pm - sacreligion ""]
catz are the ballz
[May 12,2007 1:54pm - demondave ""]

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