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Being back at work sux

[May 29,2007 10:48am - the_reverend ""]
out thurs-monday. shooting MDF all weekend. this cube work is for the birds. too bad I can't shoot pictures of 50 cents for a living.
[May 29,2007 10:51am - largefreakatzero ""]
You said it, sister. I took Friday off and spent a good portion of my "day off" on the phone with work and an angry client. Now I am back to a continuing chapter in that shit-storm. My job = gay.
[May 29,2007 11:08am - Aura_At_Dusk ""]
Yeah work is boring, but at least we have RTTP boards browse through when we are inevitably slacking off.
[May 29,2007 11:35am - Lamp ""]
I'd actually rather work on the weekends and have my days off be during the week. Less people out and about to bother me when I'm doing my business.

But it's not like I do much or work a challenging job so this is all irrelevant.
[May 29,2007 12:04pm - aterribleguitarist ""]
i took this week off, so I could sit around and listen to all my new cds that i bought at MDF...have fun at work, suckers
[May 29,2007 12:37pm - the_reverend ""]
I was going to stay at home today, but i'm sick. I would much rather not waste a day off being sick
[May 29,2007 12:40pm - shatteredliz ""]
I guess I can't really complain since I have nothing to do at work and I can come and go as I please...
[May 29,2007 2:17pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I'm just chilling this week.

[May 29,2007 3:19pm - ariavette ""]
yeah coming in this morning fucking blew, it felt like we'd been gone for two weeks not three days
[May 29,2007 3:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
my job is easy and the time passes quickly. if i wasnt here i'd be bored at home not getting paid.
[May 29,2007 5:12pm - Raycm  ""]
its so loud at work today it feels like the voices are in my head.
[May 29,2007 7:22pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
being at work right now fucking rules because my boss is essentially giving me 3 days worth of salary for doing nothing but keep my work phone on in case it should ring. tomorrow is my last day of "work" which means i stay in CT until noon then leave. after that, i'm free of my gay ass job!
[May 29,2007 8:16pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I hate my fucking job. The entire management team of the store was fired two weeks ago. The upper management transferred in some obese bitch to run the store. Her ass is so big that if she's standing behind the counter, I literally cannot get around her. She came in and of course she's immediately going to change how we do absolutely everything. She went and hired some guy, and this dude is a real peice of work. Now my job is fine as part-time for a student, but they don't pay enough to make it a full-time career move. No way. This new guy is in his 40s, very quiet, and he wears the exact same clothing every single day. I don't know what the hell a guy his age is doing working a shit job like that. He's like a real-life Milton from Office Space. He always comes up right behind me and stands right over my shoulder, breathing at me with his horrible breath. So now, in addition to making jack shit for money, I have to work with Roadblockass and Milton. I need to quit that fucking job.
[May 29,2007 9:38pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
quitting your job is the cool thing to do these days
[May 30,2007 8:53am - shatteredliz in brooklyn  ""]
Getting laid off is better.
[May 30,2007 9:19am - the_reverend ""]
liz is right.
[May 30,2007 9:21am - the_reverend ""]
if I got laid off, it would mean about 6-months of pay. plus, after I think 2 months, I can collect mass state unemployment and keep it for up to a year if I'm in school.
[May 30,2007 9:24am - the_reverend ""]
oh, there's a dude at my work who was laid off 2 or 3 times. each time, he got 2-3 months worth of vacation and then would get hired back as a contract worker and then a full time employee before a year had passed. this meant they would hand him a check for say 4 months worth of pay, then start paying him again after only 2 months (2+ pay) and since he was back to full time in under a year, the next time he got laid off, he got paid for all his seniority. I tell him all the time that he's the luckiest person every
[May 30,2007 9:33am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
suddenly my 3 days worth of free pay doesn't seem so awesome.
[May 30,2007 9:45am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i usually just go with the old fashion getting fired for something stupid.

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