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republican debate (on now)

[Jun 5,2007 7:04pm - the_reverend ""]
there are republicans running? huh, I didn't even know that.
[Jun 5,2007 7:27pm - the_reverend ""]
I give it a C- so far.
[Jun 5,2007 7:41pm - brian_dc ""]
are they letting Ron Paul in? probably not...too bad, minus his pro life stance the guy's got it going on.
[Jun 5,2007 7:52pm - the_reverend ""]
way to pay attention to the daily show, mr aging hippie libeal douche.

hm.. I'm not sure if he's there or not. there are 10 of them.

blahblahblah religion blahblah blah creationist blah
[Jun 5,2007 8:00pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Ron Paul, I thought it was Ron Popeil

[Jun 5,2007 8:01pm - Murph ""]
brian_dc said:are they letting Ron Paul in? probably not...too bad, minus his pro life stance the guy's got it going on.

I'm pretty sure he was the stuttering lawyer in My Cousin Vinny.

Am I wrong?
[Jun 5,2007 8:28pm - the_reverend ""]
I keep thinking they say Ron Pearlmen.
[Jun 5,2007 9:19pm - sxealex ""]
[Jun 5,2007 9:54pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
dead babies, immigrants, and dark skinned people overseas...what America fears most..apparently.
[Jun 6,2007 2:03am - Lamp ""]
We have nothing to fear but a world without pizza.
[Jun 6,2007 2:05am - sacreligion ""]
and a world without honor and logic, but nuts to that!
[Jun 6,2007 2:23am - the_reverend ""]
my country for a pie!
[Jun 6,2007 4:24am - Lamp ""]
Every country in the world can go fuck itself for all I care, pizza will unite all corners of the globe.
[Jun 6,2007 11:05am - metal_church101 ""]
Nations go to war over pizza.

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