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Attila sings "deathcrush" on stage with Salem

[Jun 6,2007 12:26pm - the_reverend ""]
A bit late but better late than never. Come experience the Mayhem (pun intended) of Salem performing "Deathcrush" live on stage with guest legendary vocalist Attila Csihar from Mayhem.
Salem and Attila
[Jun 6,2007 12:45pm - Yeti ""]
i have a tough time with Attila's vocals. on some of De Mysteriis he sounds retarded. i havent heard the new Mayhem though. i dont mind him in Aborym however.
[Jun 6,2007 5:06pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
i didn't like DMDS really much at all, but the new album has been in and out my player all month. GOOD STUFF!
[Jun 6,2007 5:13pm - inject-now ""]
he totally fucked up the first verse but that was pretty good.
[Jun 6,2007 7:45pm - xanonymousx ""]
awesome sound quality.
[Jun 6,2007 8:05pm - Ryan_M ""]
Yeti said:i have a tough time with Attila's vocals. on some of De Mysteriis he sounds retarded. i havent heard the new Mayhem though. i dont mind him in Aborym however.

He actually sounds really good on the new Mayhem - I didn't care for his vocals much on DMDS but I was pleasantly surprised and impressed with Ordo Ad Chao. He makes some fucked up noises sometimes but it really sounds cool and fits in great with the music.

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