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metel band looking for a singer!!!!!!

[Jun 11,2007 9:25pm - hell upon my arrival  ""]
www.myspace.com/helluponmyarrival is in need of a cool dedicated singer with a good high to low range lets get this shit started message sean on the bands top 4 and let me know if you wanna try out were from tewksbury Ma:NEWHORNS::NEWHORNS::tmnt1::tmnt2::tmnt3::tmnt4::doublehorns:
[Jun 11,2007 10:04pm - TROLL ""]
[Jun 11,2007 10:09pm - xmikex ""]
metel band huh?

souNdez gUd.
[Jun 11,2007 10:21pm - TROLL ""]
Should name his band Hell On Revs Bandwith.
[Jun 11,2007 11:16pm - Ryan_M ""]
Melodic death/thrash riffs: check.
Torture chords: check.
Sick ninja-mosh inducing breakdowns: check.

Yup, you guys are going to be huge. Get yourself that singer, you'll be playing Ozzfest in no time!

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