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RTTP, if it were more metal, your pants would be covered in blood!

[radioshow]  _______________________________________
[Jun 25,2007 11:12pm - the_reverend ""]
listen now.
[Jun 25,2007 11:20pm - hungtableed  ""]
I'd say play some BMR but we're assholes and have never given you a cd. With that said, play anything from the new Angelcorpse album.
[Jun 25,2007 11:22pm - hungtableed  ""]
Whatever is on now has the most Defleshed-sounding vocalist I've ever heard in my life.
[Jun 25,2007 11:30pm - hungtableed  ""]
what is it about the RttP radio show that had my mice running 360s around their cage.....Weird...
[Jun 25,2007 11:35pm - FleshFries ""]
play some Disgorge[us]
[Jun 25,2007 11:37pm - hungtableed  ""]
FleshFries said:play some Disgorge[us]

Right! Anything by Disgorge (US) while FULLY avoiding Disgorge (Mex).
[Jun 26,2007 12:09am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
What the hell is wrong with DISGORGE (Mex)?!

NecrHolocaust and Gore Blessed To The Worms are both excellent!
[Jun 26,2007 12:09am - hungtableed  ""]
Play some Angelcorpse.
[Jun 26,2007 12:20am - the_reverend ""]
angelcorpse in a few songs
[Jun 26,2007 12:24am - timjohnswife  ""]
hungtableed said:Play some Angelcorpse.

hey jeff


[Jun 26,2007 12:34am - hungtableed  ""]
Hell fuckin yea....some Angelcorpse, word em' up yo.
[Jun 26,2007 12:37am - hungtableed  ""]
timjohnswife said:hungtableed said:Play some Angelcorpse.

hey jeff


ugggghh, some one knows me....but, for some reason they're posting pictures of fat chicks. If you know me, you obviously must know I hate fat chicks.

[Jun 26,2007 12:37am - timjohnswife  ""]

[Jun 26,2007 12:38am - timjohnswife  ""]
there you are... wutz up?

are you going to be death house?
[Jun 26,2007 12:39am - hungtableed  ""]
Timjohnswife needs to go for a run or two - anything to keep off them pounds.
[Jun 26,2007 12:41am - hungtableed  ""]
btw. thanks for playing some Angelcorpse mang.
[Jun 26,2007 12:44am - timjohn  ""]
yeah i love angelcorpse - i saw one of their last show's back in 99 or so, and i went the other night to see them at the middle east and it was fuckin sold out by the time my wife and i arrived?

edit - how the fuck do you "JEFF" baby?
[Jun 26,2007 12:56am - hungtableed  ""]
timjohn said:yeah i love angelcorpse - i saw one of their last show's back in 99 or so, and i went the other night to see them at the middle east and it was fuckin sold out by the time my wife and i arrived?

edit - how the fuck do you "JEFF" baby?

Seeing Angelcorpse in 99' must have been pretty fucking cool, but having a fat ugly wife must suck hairy balls. Sucks to be you.
[Jun 26,2007 12:58am - phantos NLI in the fucking desert....  ""]
play some Abhorred for me fine sir.
I just found out they were RIP. bummer.
[Jun 26,2007 1:02am - vomittingcarcass ""]
timjohnswife said:JEFF


nice butt, ma'am
[Jun 26,2007 1:11am - phantos NLI in the fucking desert....  ""]
# inches is from Vancouver.
[Jun 26,2007 1:33am - phantos NLI in the fucking desert....  ""]
You have any Coroner, Aaron?
[Jun 26,2007 3:33am - the_reverend ""]
yes, will play next week.
[Jun 26,2007 10:46am - Yeti ""]
timjohn said:yeah i love angelcorpse - i saw one of their last show's back in 99 or so

wasnt that with Satyricon and Immortal? that show was devastating.
[Jun 26,2007 11:03am - timjohn  ""]
Yeti said:timjohn said:yeah i love angelcorpse - i saw one of their last show's back in 99 or so

wasnt that with Satyricon and Immortal? that show was devastating.

I don't think Immortal was there. They played a few months later with Manowar. Satyricon def was, right after Satyr shaved his head and they released Rebel Extravaganza. Angelcorpse was so fucking sick. I think Shadows Fall, Killswitch, and Krisiun were there too, maybe Moonspell.

[Jun 26,2007 12:42pm - Yeti ""]
yeah that was with Immortal. they played upstairs, and Abbath was blowing fire across the ceiling. Satyricon headlined. i remember it because during Angelcorpse's set, Immortal was peeking in through the door behind the stage, so you could see a crack in the door with a sliver of a corpse-painted face looking out. it was funny as hell.
[Jun 26,2007 12:48pm - timjohn  ""]
oh shit that sort of rings a bell... immortal, always sneaking around like it is christmas morning 1980 in bergen all over again =P

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