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BLOODY PANDA/NADJA looking for shows 8/24, 8/26

[Jun 27,2007 6:54pm - 43rd Parallel  ""]
Bloody Panda(killer NYC funeral doom) and NADJA(Canadian ambient drone) are looking for help booking something on 8/24 and 8/26 in the Boston-Providence area. Both killer bands, and a nice bunch of kids, please help.
[Jun 27,2007 7:20pm - the_reverend ""]
ha! they just emailed me asking for shows on those days too.
[Jun 27,2007 7:29pm - VoidExpression ""]
Somebody hook this up. Nadja was awesome last time they played around and it's need to happen again soon!
[Jun 27,2007 10:27pm - Lamp ""]
This Nadja band sounds like the type of thing I've been looking for but unable to find lately, do they have a Myspace with music?
[Jun 27,2007 11:09pm - Uh  ""]
Holy shit, I need to see Nadja. Book em, drew, you lazy punk.
[Jun 28,2007 12:04am - VoidExpression ""]
Unfortunately it's a cash issue. I'm down if anyone wants to collaborate! Aidan is a super nice guy who doesn't play much around here so hopefully something can get worked out.
[Jun 28,2007 12:04am - RichHorror ""]
Drew, PM me or e-mail me at rhorror@gmail.com
[Jun 28,2007 1:34am - vomittingcarcass ""]
soul remnants will open this show free of charge.
[Jun 28,2007 1:56am - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 28,2007 2:48am - 43rd Parallel  ""]
Hey Drew, OCEAN wants on for the 26th we will play for free if you hook it up in Boston, -R
[Jun 28,2007 11:50am - 43rd Parallel  ""]
[Jun 28,2007 8:50pm - 43rd Parallel  ""]
[Jun 28,2007 9:10pm - VoidExpression ""]
Sweetness! I spoke with Aidan and it looks like that Monday is preferred. Ocean is of course always welcome! Shoot me a line at voidexpression@gmail

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