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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to the_reverend.
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[QUOTE="the_reverend:40829"]fall_of_decrepitude: ex-STE.. er.. well, shading the end reformed with a new bass player. they only played 2 songs. the first song, I thought, sounded a lot like ste. the second song was a lot different and had a slow part in the middle. darken_the_sky: they played a bunch of newer stuff. the songs were a mixture of early cave-in-style break downs and new btbam. the crowd went pretty crazy for them, lots of flailing around and falling on the ground. dusk_raven: I haven't heard them for a while, since an old school bombshelter show. if you know older bombshelter shows, you know that they sound like butt. At this show I actually got to "hear" what was going on. they had some issues with the bass-pedal and had to borrow manifest's. I liked the last 2 original songs they played better than the first few. the first songs here hardcore songs sort of like newer hatebreed. the last 2 original songs were wicked metal and had these nice long metal-riffage-masterbation parts. then they played slayer 'reign in blood'... and there were a bunch of fights. I guess some people just don't like slayer. manifest: I was getting wicked antsy (cause I was heading to the bombshelter afterwards) and they took a long time to set up. but finally they did. the other time I saw them, I thought they sounded like tool, but it must have been that sound system there. I think that I can still see why I thought that, but it was more like fata-metalcore with some harder parts. they gave props out to ste and dusk raven too, especially cool after the fights. and it was hilarious watching the karate stance that older guy was doing.[/QUOTE]
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