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BansheeCunt posts 2 songs

[Jun 30,2007 7:41pm - KillerKadooganMotherfucker  ""]
From your former friends in Exploding Christ comes a tasty sandwich you can't refuse.

"BansheeCunt" and "BoozeFace"

You fuckin love it.
[Jun 30,2007 7:41pm - KillerKadooganMotherfucker  ""]

[Jun 30,2007 10:43pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
very strange
[Jun 30,2007 11:21pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Now Ben here comes the quesiton, when are we doing shows together again?
[Jul 1,2007 5:25pm - fuck loggin‘ in  ""]
I like this.
[Jul 1,2007 5:32pm - Whoremastery ""]
Chris_From_Shit_Fuck said:Now Ben here comes the quesiton, when are we doing shows together again?

I second that!:duffbeer:
[Jul 4,2007 1:17pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
haha say the word and we will come make up some noise on the spot, and possibly throw in a couple e.c. songs for good measure.

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