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Intestinal Strangulation, Friday night in Providence, for only $5 bucks!!!

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Jul 24,2007 8:05pm - Keithnli  ""]
Thats right, only $5.00 will get you in the door all night long. Come for the show, and stick around for some old school punk, metal hardcore, garage, rock and roll, and whatever else you wanna hear them play.

16oz PBR, High Life, and Narragansett for only $2 bucks, all night long. As well as, Jager shots at midnight for a DOLLAR!! Get lit for less than it costs to wash your shitty underwear. DON'T MISS THIS!


Be there on time, you don't wanna miss anyone!
[Jul 24,2007 8:07pm - JDDomination ""]
heyoooo Ill be there
[Jul 24,2007 8:51pm - blue ""]
people better be going to this. is you are into TeH Br00TaLz DeaF MeTuhLz then youd better recognize.
[Jul 25,2007 4:31pm - Keithnli  ""]
alright, well back up we go.
[Jul 25,2007 10:07pm - Keithnli  ""]
fun fun fun
[Jul 25,2007 10:10pm - da chief  ""]
i thought DA was playing this
[Jul 25,2007 10:29pm - Keithnli  ""]
originally, but then they couldnt do it, then they could, after it was too late. if i had more time, they would be.
[Jul 25,2007 10:43pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Put SEXCREMENT on this too!
[Jul 25,2007 10:45pm - da chief  ""]
not like im going but john does have a really good idea.

i mean sexcrement does kill live
[Jul 25,2007 11:07pm - blue ""]
from what i gather there is really only time for 3 bands.
[Jul 25,2007 11:10pm - da chief  ""]
blue said:from what i gather there is really only time for 3 bands.

shut up Pete, SEXCREMENT KILLS LIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nuke::nuke::nuke:
[Jul 25,2007 11:31pm - blue ""]
then come up for the show tomorrow BROSEF.
[Jul 25,2007 11:33pm - craigisfuckingawesomeseriously ""]
i will be there getting sly drunk. its his 27th birthday. fucking old fag
[Jul 25,2007 11:34pm - blue ""]
holy shit hes 27? so old.
[Jul 25,2007 11:35pm - da chief  ""]
blue said:then come up for the show tomorrow BROSEF.

my bicycle does not travel at that speed
[Jul 26,2007 7:15am - Keithnli  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Put SEXCREMENT on this too!

i would love to have done this as well, but my time is limited for the evening.
[Jul 26,2007 7:16am - da chief  ""]
backline everything like a motherfucker and have four amazing bands rock the fuck out.
[Jul 26,2007 2:02pm - Keithnli  ""]
next time.
[Jul 26,2007 4:44pm - blue ""]
[Jul 26,2007 7:52pm - Keithnli  ""]
yes, tomorrow!
[Jul 27,2007 5:57am - da chief  ""]
up for totally tribal sick show, backwards hats, bandanas and wicked fucking hardcore vintage metal shirts.

totally for real real, not for play play
[Jul 27,2007 10:41am - Keithnli  ""]
its gonna be down right sexy
[Jul 27,2007 11:25am - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]
tonight!!! Keith, we may not be there exactly at 7 due to people getting out of work, but we'll most definetly be set up for 8.
[Jul 27,2007 11:26am - Keithnli  ""]
alright, just do what you can
[Jul 27,2007 1:58pm - blue ""]
me and IS are at my house right now watching tv and eating pizza. getting psyched dawg.
[Jul 27,2007 3:41pm - da chief  ""]
i want some pizza
[Jul 27,2007 3:58pm - Keithnli  ""]
eating tv and watching pizza
[Jul 27,2007 4:59pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Who the fuck is coming to this with me goddammit?! I don't feel like driving all the way to PVD by myself, but I just may do it anyway.
[Jul 27,2007 5:15pm - RichHorror ""]
I was thinking of hitting this up. Mark, maybe we can meet up somewhere and carpool.
[Jul 27,2007 5:19pm - da chief  ""]
its true mark you and rich should share a ride.

drugs and pizza go amazing together
[Jul 27,2007 5:24pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
If you can get anywhere close to the South Shore area, Rich, it can be done.
[Jul 27,2007 5:25pm - RichHorror ""]
Hop on AIM and we will discuss.
[Jul 27,2007 5:27pm - blue ""]
leaving in a half hour, people best be going.
[Jul 27,2007 5:54pm - Keithnli  ""]
[Jul 27,2007 7:48pm - phobia ""]
i'll see you assholes there- it shall be brutal
[Jul 27,2007 7:50pm - da chief  ""]
phobia said:i'll see you assholes there- it shall be brutal

cara's a hot drunken bitch and knows her shit :HUMP:
[Jul 27,2007 8:11pm - phobia ""]
thats right- and i WILL be drunk
[Jul 27,2007 11:51pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
This was a good show. I am glad it was only 3 bands because I am fucking drained. I felt like taking a nap before IS' set, but I stuck it out. Sound for Brutal No. 2 was weird; all I could hear were vocals, feedback from the mic, and cymbals. Sound was tighter for Porphyria, but all I could hear were vocals and guitars this time, haha. The sound for IS was fucking AWESOME though. I am going to pass out now.
[Jul 28,2007 1:37am - Keithnli  ""]
all who left missed Damien from IS and Dane from Porphyria dancing on the stripper platform...
[Jul 28,2007 3:16am - porphyria  ""]
we're staying at America's Best Inn. Tim and Dane get to spoon tonight.

Maybe tomorrow or Sunday, people will be able to hear drums!
[Jul 28,2007 3:16am - porphyria  ""]
Keithnli said:all who left missed Damien from IS and Dane from Porphyria dancing on the stripper platform...

I have pix! :-D

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