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Choco Taco Worship

[Jul 30,2007 3:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Best ice cream product available.


[Jul 30,2007 3:13pm - Ryan_M ""]
mmmmmm.....Looks good! I'll have to find me some of these Choco Tacos.
[Jul 30,2007 3:21pm - Yeti ""]
i've chased down ice cream trucks just to get a Choco Taco.
[Jul 30,2007 3:27pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Black chick porn in 5... 4... 3... 2...
[Jul 30,2007 3:38pm - pam ""]
Those things are awesome.

[Jul 30,2007 3:50pm - boine ""]
im waiting for ice cream truck to come by to get one he is good everyday at 430 he rolls by
[Jul 30,2007 3:52pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'd kill for a chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich, right now. Even a regular ice cream sandwich would suffice.
[Jul 30,2007 3:55pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i have a constant supply of ice cream assortments in the vending machine down the hall. mmm fat.
[Jul 30,2007 4:00pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
They are good but ice cream trucks sell them for way too much. I refuse to pay $2.50 for it.
[Jul 30,2007 4:13pm - xmikex ""]

I love Chaco Tacos
[Jul 30,2007 4:15pm - cmtaib  ""]
xmikex i credit you of writing one of our next epic songs.
[Jul 30,2007 4:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
$2.50 on the ice cream truck? fuck that. its $1.75 here and i thought that was a wallet buster. i'm in favor of reverting back to the barter system. one punch to the face for one choco taco is a legit trade.
[Jul 30,2007 4:33pm - dreadkill ""]
i used to eat these at the race track all the time
[Jul 30,2007 5:53pm - Dankill  ""]
[Jul 30,2007 8:44pm - Fuck Logging In  ""]
I am stilling waiting for Black chick porn
[Jul 30,2007 8:47pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
happy cancer and/or high blood pressure...
[Jul 30,2007 8:49pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
pam said:Those things are awesome.


[Jul 30,2007 8:58pm - tylerl ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:Best ice cream product available.



you are mistaken

[Jul 30,2007 9:00pm - Pires ""]
no way!!! creamsicles suck!!! choco taco's pwn creamsicles...
[Jul 30,2007 9:38pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
creamsicles are nasty
[Jul 30,2007 9:50pm - Fuck Logging In  ""]
hung_to_bleed said:pam said:Those things are awesome.



what do you mean "eewwww?" That's the most beautiful thing in the world. Taste like hot coco...white people:bartmoon:

[Jul 30,2007 10:27pm - Dankill  ""]
[Jul 30,2007 11:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i would enjoy a rum and creamsicles
[Jul 30,2007 11:36pm - ZJD ""]
hung_to_bleed said:pam said:Those things are awesome.



I fail to see the ew.
[Jul 31,2007 12:01am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ZJD said:hung_to_bleed said:pam said:Those things are awesome.



I fail to see the ew.

Some folks just don't like pussy.
[Jul 31,2007 2:00am - thegreatspaldino ""]
Choco Tacos are boner inducing
[Jul 31,2007 2:14am - murph nli  ""]
the one form of snuss ive yet to experience.

this does not deter me from that fact that Nia Long will one day sit on my face.


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