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Exterminate all Christians now

[Jul 31,2007 7:22pm - Conservationist ""]
All they do is fuck up:

* Start useless wars
* Kill pagans
* Stop drugs and sex
* Bad TV

Exterminate the brutes, I say.

[Jul 31,2007 7:39pm - Ryan_M ""]
I'm pretty sure no Christian alive today ever killed a Pagan. Blaming modern Christians for the slaying of old Pagans is like a black man today who complains about slavery like he lived through the shit himself.
Drugs and sex will continute to be enjoyed regardless of the existence of Christianity. I'm sure many Christians use drugs to enhance their religious experiences, and my grandparents who are very strong in their faith had nine kids. Sex was obviously a huge part of their lives.
I don't know anything about wars so I have no comment on that, but as far as TV goes, there is this device called a remote control which allows you to change the channel should you be faced with some unattractive redneck telling you everything about your life is wrong and to send them money.

I say exterminate all people who whine about Christianity even though its a personal choice and doesn't have to affect their lives in any way.
[Jul 31,2007 7:44pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oh SNAP.
[Jul 31,2007 8:48pm - HUNTERHUNTER ""]
[Aug 1,2007 12:19am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I say kill em before they become a major nuisance.

looking at the trend in christianity right now it seems like many new, very strict branches are forming and growing

it won't be long til the burning times begin in the south
[Aug 1,2007 12:32pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

"Dust off and Nuke the site from orbit - it's the only way to be sure."

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