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Di-fucking-ssection mega Satanic APPREESH

[Aug 4,2007 11:28pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Fucking vicious, hateful music. For bad folks. +1,000,000

[Aug 5,2007 12:02am - SlavonicIdentity ""]
I really don't see why so many people hate the last album. I find it pretty fucking awesome. Especially "Beyond the Horizon."
[Aug 5,2007 12:06am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
The recording project I'm working on now owes a heavy fucking debt to this band.
[Aug 5,2007 12:06am - deathchick ""]
it is fucking awesome, but compared to the somberlaine and storm it pales in comparison.
[Aug 5,2007 12:10am - SlavonicIdentity ""]
Of course, definitely doesn't compare to those two masterpieces, but it's still damn solid!
[Aug 5,2007 12:36am - Ryan_M ""]
Such a great band - I own "The Past is Alive" and "Storm..." Definitely two favorite CDs in my collection.
I didn't like the last album because it had this Soilwork/In Flames kind of Gothenburg melo-death thing going on and I personally don't care for that style. Still those guys are some great players - I've read that ex-Dissection members have gone on to form Watain who I haven't heard yet but have been meaning to check out the CD.
[Aug 5,2007 1:24am - sxealex ""]
its edward norton heh.. where angels lie dead = best song evar
[Aug 5,2007 3:37am - Arist ""]
Soulreaper > all
[Aug 5,2007 3:48am - NoodleFace ""]
Always thought he looked like Ed Norton too

I personally love Where Dead Angels Lie and Night's Blood
[Aug 5,2007 4:26pm - dreadkill ""]
he looks like a mulatto ed norton.
[Aug 5,2007 4:27pm - dreadkill ""]
i hated what i had heard from the last album at first, but then one song grew on me, i bought the album, and loved it. not a bad song on it really. it is very different from the old stuff and doesn't sound evil, but it's a good album on its own.
[Aug 5,2007 6:17pm - goatcatalyst ""]
i like the devil.
[Aug 6,2007 5:33am - Phrozenspite ""]
Ryan_M said:Such a great band - I own "The Past is Alive" and "Storm..." Definitely two favorite CDs in my collection.
I didn't like the last album because it had this Soilwork/In Flames kind of Gothenburg melo-death thing going on and I personally don't care for that style. Still those guys are some great players - I've read that ex-Dissection members have gone on to form Watain who I haven't heard yet but have been meaning to check out the CD.

absolutely wrong... but Watain does absolutely slay and is entirely relevant in this niche... such a pity missed them with Angelcorpse a few months ago...
[Aug 6,2007 8:27am - timjohn  ""]
the new album would be that much better if it had at least one blast on it.
[Aug 6,2007 10:34am - Yeti ""]
i have been on a huge Dissection kick lately. Storm of the Light's Bane blows my fucking mind.

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