Leaked music[views:2734][posts:23][poll! to vote:click here] to view:click here] _____________________________________ [Aug 5,2007 9:50pm - the_reverend ""] I'm all about generating interest and month of bands. a lot of bands and peole from this board have getting big. Big enough for their awesome music to be "leaked" on the net. What do you think about posts featuring said leaks? I'm really intersted in the opinions of bands and labels |
____________________________________ [Aug 5,2007 9:54pm - KeithMutiny ""] its the Olestra, they've been saying it for years now. |
____________________________________ [Aug 5,2007 10:03pm - BornSoVile ""] It's good and bad, sometimes it irritates me, most of the time I'm cool with it. I think it's bound to happen when half of the fans are too broke to buy albums and the other half have the ability to post shit online. Overall I don't really have all that much of a problem with it. I make a point to support shows, any musician or fan will be the first to tell you that's what's is all about. I enjoy buying music and merch quite a bit, I guess I might have a sorta karmatic sense it will come back to me in the end, or something. |
______________________________________ [Aug 5,2007 11:40pm - goatcatalyst ""] i download tons of shit and buy what i like most. meritocracy. make me want to own your shitty disc. |
________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 12:08am - Ryan_M ""] If I like an album a lot, I usually like to own a real copy of it but CDs are fucking expensive nowadays, it just costs too much to buy an album; if you don't like it you just wasted 12-18 bucks. If I'm going to throw down that much for a CD I want to hear it first so I download most of my music first, and if I like it, I'll most likely try to hunt down a copy, and if I really like it I'll look for shirts/stickers etc... too. I don't support any scene. I only spend money on bands I think are worth my time and if I like a band a lot I'll buy their shit if I can afford it. |
_________________________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 12:17am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""] I'm the same way as Goat and Ryan, in that I buy what I like. I hate buying an album that I find out sucks. It's nice to preview it first. |
_________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 12:20am - sxealex ""] im unclear as to what yes and no mean. |
_____________________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 12:33am - MarkFuckingRichards ""] I hate when my music leaks, so I use Ziploc. |
__________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 12:42am - Niccolai ""] I think if it's a huge band then it's no big deal. if it's a local band putting out a first album, then it's lame. I know people say downloading the albums convince them to buy... but you can usually download half the CD on the band's myspace. If you need to hear more then that to decide if you're going to buy the CD, you probably just want the free download. But apparently you can't have an opinion on this without being a "whiney bitch". or a trolling cock sucker. |
________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 8:30am - sxealex ""] what is yes and what is no |
_________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 9:13am - brian_dc ""] up is down and left is right, alex just throw in the towel |
___________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 9:33am - porphyria ""] Niccolai said:I think if it's a huge band then it's no big deal. if it's a local band putting out a first album, then it's lame. Nice double standard. You're either FOR downloading leaked music or AGAINST it. There shouldn't be any in between otherwise it's just hypocritical of people to say it's 'okay if the band is huge'. Regardless of what you or anyone else says, it's going to happen no matter what so just accept it or don't bother wasting your time fighting it. On that note, download our old EP for FREE! http://www.savefile.com/files/381385 |
_________________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 9:40am - largefreakatzero ""] I hate when people take a leak on my music. |
______________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 10:54am - goatcatalyst ""] allow me to refine my stance: FOR it. i'm not into this for the fucking money. i don't think any band i'll ever participate in will help me make rent or my car payment. i've thrown links everywhere for people to download the ipsissimus demo and i'll do the same when we record whatever we record next. i'd rather people hear us than not... then maybe they'll come to a show, buy some merch and THAT will go towards my down-payment on that yacht i've been eyeing |
_________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 12:35pm - sxealex ""] im gonna say yes is i think leaked music is fine. leak anymusic of any band ever. |
______________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 12:37pm - the_reverend ""] I'm in it to win it. if it ain't broke don't fix it. |
______________________________ [Aug 6,2007 12:38pm - Yeti ""] KeithMutiny said:its the Olestra, they've been saying it for years now. bahahahahahahaha |
______________________________ [Aug 6,2007 12:39pm - Yeti ""] goatcatalyst said:allow me to refine my stance: FOR it. i'm not into this for the fucking money. i don't think any band i'll ever participate in will help me make rent or my car payment. i've thrown links everywhere for people to download the ipsissimus demo and i'll do the same when we record whatever we record next. i'd rather people hear us than not... then maybe they'll come to a show, buy some merch and THAT will go towards my down-payment on that yacht i've been eyeing thats a good way to put it. |
______________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 12:39pm - the_reverend ""] someone please post the penis version of this [img] |
___________________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 12:43pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] the_reverend said:someone please post the penis version of this [img] that isn't it? |
________________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 12:59pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] Personally, I download a lot of stuff. I don't feel like I have to justify it, or put up some moral smokescreen that makes it ok, I just do it. I have a huge appetite for music, more than I could possibly afford to satisfy by purchasing it all. That being said, I still spend plenty on CDs (moreso with local music than larger bands), and most of these purchases are informed by having already downloaded the album. Besides, a lot of the stuff I download is stuff I already own on vinyl, and I just want to listen to it in my car. |
_______________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 1:01pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] goatcatalyst said:i download tons of shit and buy what i like most. meritocracy. make me want to own your shitty disc. Epic mega-win. |
____________________________ [Aug 6,2007 2:13pm - cav ""] eh, if your album is big enough for it to have leaked, then your probably on a somewhat decent label with somewhat decent distribution and will be selling a few records anyways. and most people on this board are friends who support each other and will buy each others albums anyways. everyone knows nowadays everyone downloads their music. id rather someone download my album and listen to it than never listen to it at all. and if my band is big enough to have generated enough interest for the album to be leaked id say fuck it let em hear it. at least if they like it they will come to a show and buy a shirt. i think musicians just have to face the fact that album sales are minimal nowadays. its harder work for the musicians, yes, but it is what we choose to do....im high. i have to go restring my guitar. |
_________________________________ [Aug 6,2007 2:17pm - brian_dc ""] damn you, that means I have to re-string mine at the show. |