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Shadows Fall post new "fan" video

[Aug 7,2007 3:54pm - the_reverend ""]
Check out this amazing video Shadows Fall just posted on their YouTube page.
It was created by a fan for their song "Burning The Lives."

[Aug 7,2007 3:57pm - Niccolai ""]
Shadows Fall has fans?
[Aug 7,2007 3:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Niccolai said:Shadows Fall has fans?

of course

[Aug 7,2007 4:00pm - Niccolai ""]
Their CD sales must be slacking...

They can't even afford an Ionic Breeze.
[Aug 7,2007 4:05pm - rilly  ""]
Shadow's Fall has more fans and sells more records and fills more venues than any of the shitty death and black metal bands on this board. End of story
[Aug 7,2007 4:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
rilly said:Shadow's Fall has more fans and sells more records and fills more venues than any of the shitty death and black metal bands on this board. End of story

i demand this remark be stricken from the record!
[Aug 7,2007 4:09pm - Niccolai ""]
rilly said:Shadow's Fall has more fans and sells more records and fills more venues than any of the shitty death and black metal bands on this board. End of story

16 year old girls, hot topic employees, and members of Wretched Assylum don't count.
[Aug 8,2007 12:13am - xanonymousx ""]
Some of the live footage is from the NEMHF 2003 DVD.
How do I remember that cause... well I don't know.
[Aug 8,2007 12:42pm - immortal13 ""]
I didn't even know people still care about them.
[Aug 8,2007 12:43pm - Yeti ""]
they don't. the vermin that do don't qualify as people.
[Aug 8,2007 12:52pm - the_reverend ""]
that song ain't too bad.
sounds like their older material.
[Aug 8,2007 1:12pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Yeti said:they don't. the vermin that do don't qualify as people.


I fucking love it.
[Aug 8,2007 3:42pm - Ryan_M ""]
[Aug 14,2007 9:44am - brandon..  ""]
Dude this band would be good, if they had a better vocalist. Fair ruins this shit. He cant sing, but he atempts to all over the song. They should've kept phils hes got a way better voice both singing and screaming. I dont think the music was that bad it was the awful vocals.

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