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Roast of Flavor Flav - Comedy Central

[Aug 12,2007 10:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
holy crap watch this now. jimmey kimmel just pwned everyone.
[Aug 12,2007 10:40pm - Arist ""]
"Chris Benoit was a better father than Flavor Flav" Owned sonofabitch
[Aug 12,2007 10:51pm - archaeon ""]
haha the clock with 15 minutes on it
[Aug 12,2007 11:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"bitch, I wouldn't eat yo pussy for all the weed in compton"

- snoop directed at Lisa lampinelli.
[Aug 12,2007 11:53pm - pam ""]
I just put this on...can't wait. If anyone is asking to be roasted, it's fucking Flavor Flav.
[Aug 13,2007 12:07am - BrianDBB ""]
BEST ROAST to date.
[Aug 13,2007 12:15am - boine (nli)  ""]
is snoop dog just smoking a blunt on stage?
[Aug 13,2007 12:35am - pam ""]
oh man...I'm fuckin dying over here.
[Aug 13,2007 12:37am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Even if I had cable TV, I wouldn't watch this because I need to see it in its full, uncensored glory on DVD.
[Aug 13,2007 1:19am - pam ""]
Oh man, that was amazing. Best roast ever.
[Aug 13,2007 2:46am - Dwellingsickness ""]
I missed this, I am so pissed, I am gonna check to see if there is a replay sometime.
[Aug 13,2007 9:07am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
brigitte neilson was so unfunny it was embarrassing to watch. other than that... i was in stitches through most it.
[Aug 13,2007 9:39am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I love these. The Shatner one was pure comedy gold. Betty White is a dirty, dirty girl.
[Aug 13,2007 9:53am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I loved "When that girl was shitting on Flavor's rug, he thought she was giving birth to his babies", haha!
[Aug 13,2007 12:31pm - JDDomination ""]
Lisa Lampanelli: "I use to think they called him Carrot Top because of his orange hair; now I realize it's because everyone wants to see him buried up to his forehead in dirt."
The Chris Benoit comment made me jump out of my seat with laughter.
Also when Greg Giraldo said that Ice T spent his record sale earnings on his freedom. Classic.
[Aug 13,2007 12:50pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
Greg Giraldo killed it. Everyone after him (meaning everyone) seemed a lot less funny.
[Aug 13,2007 1:02pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Very funny!!
[Aug 13,2007 3:04pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
also, Jimmy Kimmel is my hero for telling Comedy Central to cancel Mind of Mencia
[Aug 13,2007 3:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
KillerKadoogan said:also, Jimmy Kimmel is my hero for telling Comedy Central to cancel Mind of Mencia

ha i believe he said something along the lines of "Oh and Comedy Central, if you want to cut down on polution, then cancel Mind of Mencia"
[Aug 13,2007 3:21pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
that's the ticket
[Aug 13,2007 3:28pm - pam ""]
Watching this again. Still hilarious.
[Aug 13,2007 3:35pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:KillerKadoogan said:also, Jimmy Kimmel is my hero for telling Comedy Central to cancel Mind of Mencia

ha i believe he said something along the lines of "Oh and Comedy Central, if you want to cut down on polution, then cancel Mind of Mencia"

Fucking FOR REAL. NOT FUNNY. Talk about a poor man's Dave Chappelle - except that Chappelle was actually a) chuckle-inducing, and b) edgy. Mencia has this "leftover Dice jokes" thing going on. "Hey, eets fonny 'cos eets troo, riiiight?" FAIL.
[Aug 13,2007 3:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Katt Williams is my hero.
[Aug 13,2007 7:05pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
tonight at midnight is the replay if anyone besides myself missed it
[Aug 13,2007 7:14pm - pam ""]
DVR is awesome.
[Aug 13,2007 10:52pm - sacreligion ""]
i caught pieces of this...decently hilarious, but i felt as if i was supporting flavor flav's status as a celebrity by watching it
[Aug 13,2007 10:53pm - sacreligion ""]
reminds me of the time i saw dennis rodman on conan o'brien or some talk show, the digital cable info said "Celebrity Dennis Rodman" as if it was his profession.

shouldn't it have said "Former Basketball Star Dennis Rodman"

that's a lot of typing to pay for, I surmise
[Aug 28,2007 10:11pm - the_reverend ""]
watching it now.. what the fuck is up with carrot top...
[Aug 28,2007 10:13pm - the_reverend ""]
JDDomination said:Also when Greg Giraldo said that Ice T spent his record sale earnings on his freedom. Classic.

the N word on your first album was negro. that was good too.
[Aug 28,2007 10:16pm - the_reverend ""]
wow.. patton oswald there is relentless.. it's first part was probably the harshest I've seen on one of these roasts
[Aug 28,2007 10:17pm - brian_dc ""]
funny how Greg Giraldo killed right at the beginning and he was the only guy that pretty much no one mentioned him. Except I think Jimmy Kimmel to point out that no one noticed that he was even there anymore.
[Aug 28,2007 10:18pm - brian_dc ""]
I also gave my tv a standing ovation for Kimmel's plea to cancel Mind of Mencia.
[Aug 28,2007 10:22pm - the_reverend ""]
I meant greg giraldo. I can't tell white dudes apart.

"snoop, you look like magic johnson should"
[Aug 28,2007 10:24pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, this is pretty hilarious... kimmel is on
"hello, little black guy that I've never heard of."
[Aug 28,2007 10:26pm - brian_dc ""]

"Did the whores do something? Yes...that'll change the perceptions about you"


"Where was I before I was interrupted by those whores?"
[Aug 28,2007 10:26pm - the_reverend ""]
I just saw that... hilarious..
[Aug 28,2007 10:28pm - the_reverend ""]
the benoit comment went over like a lead balloon.
[Aug 28,2007 10:35pm - the_reverend ""]
Ice-t is a terrible comedian. he straight faces it all too.
[Aug 28,2007 10:36pm - brian_dc ""]
I'll save you the trouble. When the mongloid german woman comes on, just take a mental break. She was the worst ever.
[Aug 28,2007 10:37pm - the_reverend ""]
I figured... like that wasted lady from the pamela anderson one. um. jeff ross? he get's ODB playing when he walks over? no fair!
[Aug 28,2007 10:39pm - the_reverend ""]
"the fact that flav is black is like the 5th this wrong with him"
[Aug 28,2007 10:41pm - the_reverend ""]
does carrot top roid rage? or am I watching this for nothing.

lisa does look like she lost weight.
[Aug 28,2007 10:47pm - the_reverend ""]
"last time I saw ice-t and flav next to each other it was in the .99 bin"
[Aug 28,2007 10:50pm - the_reverend ""]
they REALLY edited down carrot top... he looks like he's going to snap.
[Aug 28,2007 11:03pm - the_reverend ""]
KillerKadoogan said:also, Jimmy Kimmel is my hero for telling Comedy Central to cancel Mind of Mencia

[Aug 28,2007 11:05pm - the_reverend ""]
They are also bleeping "nigger" and "fuck" but not shit.

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