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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to cav.
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[QUOTE="cav:658490"]ArrowHead likes Pie said:[QUOTE]KeithMutiny said:[QUOTE]working 16 hour shifts help me sleep, thats not what i was looking for, i needed something that makes me wanna kill less people.[/QUOTE] Honestly? Weed. Most of the shit you'll get proscribed is going to be anti-depressants, or other chemical shit that has to alter your balance in order to control your mood. Anti-Depressants are notorious of curing the single symptom, while at the same time tearing away whole chunks of your very personality and disposition. Weed will just make you eat potato chips, and you'll forget there were even people to kill in the first place.[/QUOTE] well, if this was about a month or two ago id probably agree with you, and YES this will work at the beginning. but lately ive started to change my thinking on the whole subject of weed. when i started smoking herb (4 years ago) quite regularly, i thought it was the cure to all of my anxiety problems. it allowed me to relax and open up to people that i wouldnt usually talk to. allowed me to be social at parties, meet different people...pretty much it was awesome. i wasnt shy anymore when i was high, and i always had a good time. but the more and more you smoke (every day for 4 years straight) the effects tend to reverse themselves. your personality when your not high becomes more like who you are when you used to be stoned, but your not stoned so all you want to do is get high. then when you get high, you actually become very paranoid, socially awkward, full of anxiety, but the problem is your so used to smoking everyday that you really cant sleep without it. at least thats my case. im at a point where smoking is something i need to do to sleep, but when i smoke, if im not chillin by myself watching a movie, it tends to actually give me anxiety rather than take it away. ALSO, ive been thinking that this might have to do with the actual weed ive been smoking. when i started it was all high grade shit and now i smoke cheap ass shit. but i really cant find any good shit so its hard for me to judge if its the quality of the weed. all i know is i have a 10 dollar a day habit, its my only habit, and i dont mind it. but i wouldnt recommend anyone doing it to get rid of anxiety, cus thats what i did and it didnt really work, or at least doesnt anymore. [/QUOTE]
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