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Police Squad! appresh

[Aug 29,2007 9:48am - thuringwethil ""]


"Yes, I know."

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_Squad :bow::HUMP::whipper:
[Aug 29,2007 10:04am - sinistas ""]
part of my leslie nielsen marathon this weekend!
[Aug 29,2007 10:11am - thuringwethil ""]
calling Mike O'Meara
[Aug 29,2007 12:45pm - narkybark ""]
Florence Henderson getting gunned down for the win
[Aug 29,2007 4:17pm - sever nli  ""]
this is the best thing ever

"tell her a big monster came and took him to daddy heaven"
[Aug 30,2007 12:54am - narkybark ""]

edit: ugh I can't figure out how to embed this thing, I fail at internet

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