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Visiting GG:

[Aug 31,2007 3:19pm - dunebagger  ""]

[Aug 31,2007 3:24pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I love how you're, like, required to piss on his grave. Classic.
[Aug 31,2007 4:28pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Nice boots hipster
[Aug 31,2007 4:33pm - Troll ""]
[Aug 31,2007 4:33pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Haha, sitting in piss. Faggots. Looking all pouty.
[Aug 31,2007 4:39pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
yeah, maybe you should have posed leaning against it before you pissed on it, idiot.
[Aug 31,2007 4:41pm - NoodleFace ""]
Do you guys really dress like that in real life, or did you stage it to look awesome on the piss soaked ground?
[Aug 31,2007 5:04pm - goatcatalyst ""]
"ruminating in piss"
[Aug 31,2007 5:09pm - dunebagger  ""]
what the fuck is the problem with sittin in a little piss?
[Aug 31,2007 5:24pm - xanonymousx ""]
after working in a pissed filled environment for three months i can tell you that a lot is wrong with sitting in piss.
[Aug 31,2007 5:25pm - goatcatalyst ""]
that's what r kelly said
[Aug 31,2007 5:26pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
that guy in the last picture...with the scarf and the tights....hahahaahahaha
[Aug 31,2007 5:50pm - SkinSandwich ""]
If GG knew you faggots were sitting on his grave he would kill himself this time around.
[Aug 31,2007 6:46pm - Ryan_Noseworthy ""]
Why do people think it's so cool to go to GG's grave? I've been there so many times, but I'm also from that area... I see so many fucking pictures of people sitting next to his grave, fuck the pictures, I used to have to drive by it for work every day pretty much, and if I had to piss, well, I knew where to go, that's about it
[Aug 31,2007 7:13pm - modkilla  ""]
i bet those dudes had a nice time sucking each others pissy cocks after the visit. queers i sez...
[Aug 31,2007 7:22pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Nothing like pissin on his grave,then sitting in it. Also, I assume this thread is not getting the "wow everyone will think I am cool" response you thought it would
[Aug 31,2007 8:31pm - SkinSandwich ""]
[Aug 31,2007 8:52pm - hardy  ""]
this is way too easy...
[Aug 31,2007 8:56pm - Anthny  ""]
GG would think all of you people whining about how gross it is to sit in piss were fucking pussies.
[Aug 31,2007 8:58pm - SkinSandwich ""]
GG is dead so he does not think so who gives a fuck
[Sep 1,2007 2:22am - Ryan_Noseworthy ""]
I totally just noticed something... Anyone else notice the EMPTY bottle of water in most of the pictures... Did these people in fact urinate on GG's grave like he wants, or did they pour water on it to make it look like they urinated on it to look cool in pictures, because the grave is on a highly used road and they were to scared to actually piss on the grave?
[Sep 1,2007 6:58am - Mess ""]
fucking faggots
[Sep 1,2007 9:39am - Ryan_M ""]
Ryan_Noseworthy said:I totally just noticed something... Anyone else notice the EMPTY bottle of water in most of the pictures... Did these people in fact urinate on GG's grave like he wants, or did they pour water on it to make it look like they urinated on it to look cool in pictures, because the grave is on a highly used road and they were to scared to actually piss on the grave?

It looks like a hot day out - having some water can be quite refreshing for weather like that, plus it will fill the visitors' bladders! I'm sure most GG fans aren't going to give two shits if someone sees them pissing on the guy's headstone anyway.

[Sep 1,2007 10:35am - the_reverend ""]
why did bill joe go to gg's grave
[Sep 1,2007 11:11am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
to pose with his skirt friends
[Sep 1,2007 11:57am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I never got what was so cool about this guy, he ate shit...big deal.
[Sep 1,2007 12:09pm - DomesticTerror ""]
wouldn't it be more rebellious to NOT piss on his grave? just a thought...
[Sep 1,2007 3:07pm - Whoremastery ""]
i was at a bar in canton a few weeks back..and met one of gg's best friends..she showed me pics of her and him sitting in dumpsters....she was cool!

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