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Has anyone heard of this band??

[Sep 5,2007 5:18pm - brandon...  ""]

They added me yesterday and i actually checked them out. Pretty sick stuff actually. I was impressed. If they had blast beats they would be nasty
[Sep 5,2007 5:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i can dig it. they look brand spankin new. excellent composition and production though
[Sep 5,2007 7:12pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Please explain this Chug-Score metal to me
[Sep 5,2007 7:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Juggs Core

[Sep 5,2007 9:18pm - brandon...  ""]
hahah yea i have no idea what that is
[Sep 5,2007 9:29pm - Ryan_M ""]
Not too bad actually - they sound pretty good!

As for "chug-score" I'm assuming the 'chug' refers to the chunky/groovy guitar parts and 'score' refers to the classical compositions, like the score for a movie.
[Sep 5,2007 11:20pm - Uh ""]
"Xerath is a real band playing real instruments"
Fuck, I had no idea!

Well maybe that means their orchestral parts are from real string instruments? But their second picture is of a keyboard and there are only 4 members.
[Sep 6,2007 3:02pm - Xerath  ""]
Hey guys,

the "real band playing real instruments" thing refers purely to guitars/bass/drums/vocals.. just to clarify its not some recording project we cannot pull off live.

The strings are samples, from east-west symphonic orchestra, although we take care to emulate real orchestral sections as best we can!

Thanks for your feedback!

Ryan M you got it spot on with the chug-score definition!

Thanks guys!

more stuff to come!

[Sep 6,2007 3:22pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, this is pretty decent stuff.
[Sep 6,2007 3:24pm - the_reverend ""]
and I came here to make fun of a band. damn.
I can also verify that the person posting above is more than likely from the band.
[Sep 6,2007 5:21pm - Brandon..  ""]
Na dude im definately not in the band. Their from the Uk.
[Sep 6,2007 7:04pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
Yeah, they sent me a friend request a couple weeks ago, pretty interesting stuff.
[Sep 8,2007 12:15pm - Xerath  ""]
Cheers guys!

yes i am infact from the band... more material to come soon and we are currently preparing for live woohoo!!

Reverend, i also love making fun of bands... and since 99% of myspace bands are rubbish its a good past time!

[Sep 8,2007 12:15pm - Xerath  ""]
[Sep 8,2007 12:30pm - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 8,2007 12:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought this was the other thread about a band sucking. imagine my surprise when the band is good.

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