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Painful menstration

[Sep 27,2007 1:58am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
[Sep 27,2007 7:10am - DreamingInExile-nli  ""]

blablabla *HURK* blablagiggleblabla
[Sep 27,2007 6:33pm - infect ""]
yea if you notice they subtitle the puke too,
fucking fantastic
[Sep 27,2007 6:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 27,2007 6:44pm - blue ""]
in the next week a pornogrind band called mensvark will pop up. just watch.
[Sep 27,2007 6:47pm - SkinSandwich ""]
blue said:in the next week a pornogrind band called mensvark will pop up. just watch.

Already done, see you on the road in 2 days!
[Sep 27,2007 6:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i would've rather seen the painful menstration as opposed to the vomitting but both are pretty rad.
[Sep 27,2007 7:02pm - DreamingInExile ""]
AHAHAHAHA it just get's better and better every time:

[Sep 27,2007 8:43pm - yummy ""]
oh shit, that is too funny!

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