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Youtube fuckin' sucks now.

[Nov 8,2007 7:38pm - Hoser ""]
I used to be able to sit and watch old Family Guy re-runs and now those crybaby dildos over at 20th Century Fox have everything flagged so you can't watch shit. "Copyright violation." This sucks a fat dink.
[Nov 8,2007 7:40pm - brian_dc ""]
there is some stuff up on http://www.alluc.org
[Nov 8,2007 7:41pm - brian_dc ""]
it's in syndication on just about every channel ever though, as well
[Nov 8,2007 8:59pm - sxealex ""]
ask for the address mother dick
[Nov 8,2007 9:00pm - sxealex ""]
the log and pass are both six six six
[Nov 8,2007 9:01pm - sxealex ""]
if u are capable of using ftp
[Nov 8,2007 9:41pm - Hoser ""]
homo says what?
[Nov 8,2007 9:46pm - sxealex ""]
Hoser said:...what?

[Nov 8,2007 9:47pm - sxealex ""]
i don't think that works on message boards
[Nov 9,2007 10:42am - Yeti ""]
youtube must be run by vegans.
[Nov 9,2007 10:45am - RichHorror ""]
Vegan commie dentists.

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